“Bug Zappers Or Bird Feeders?” Jarrod Jacobs The title above - TopicsExpress


“Bug Zappers Or Bird Feeders?” Jarrod Jacobs The title above may seem strange, but if you read this article to completion, I believe you will see that the question is relevant. I am sure most of our dear readers are familiar with bug zappers. This device contains a light which attracts bugs. As the bugs approach the light, they land on an electric wire which electrocutes them. Who does not like to sit outside on a warm summer evening and watch bugs meet their end in a zapper? Furthermore, we are getting to the fall and winter seasons in which the birds who do not migrate will be searching for food. Some folks who enjoy watching the birds will set out food so they can watch the birds out their windows. At times, squirrels or other animals try to feed from the bird feeder, but nevertheless, the birds get fed, and people get the pleasure of watching the variety of birds out their window. In fact, many people set their feeders out all year long so they can watch the birds. Comparisons And Contrasts We can compare and contrast these two things fairly easily. First, we see that both the light from the bug zapper and the food from the feeder will attract various creatures. The appearance of these things are benign, and both stand ready to accept those who come to it. The bug zapper is no respecter of persons. If an animal or a man happens to touch the electric wire, they will get a shock, just as bugs do. In like manner, a bird feeder will feed squirrels, or other animals deemed by man as “pests” in addition to the intended birds. It is no respecter of persons. In contrast, the bug zapper attracts in order to destroy. The bird feeder attracts in order to nourish. No bugs ever left the bug zapper better than when they entered. Yet, the animals attracted to the bird feeder will leave the feeder in better shape than when they approached. Which Describes Us? There are those today who are like that bug zapper. They attract folks to them so as to destroy them. No wonder, for you see, Satan is like this! He has deceived folks from the beginning (Gen. 3), and has been determined to destroy men ever since (Jn. 8:44; I Pet. 5:8)! Therefore, it should be no surprise that those who are walking on the “broad way” that leads to destruction (Matt. 7:13-14) are also acting like this. The description of the woman in Proverbs 7 fits well here. The Bible tells us she attracted the naïve man with her “fair speech” and “flattering” and destroyed him (Prov. 7:21, 23). Just as an insect was attracted to the light and then electrocuted, so also, what seemed so wonderful at first to the young man, resulted in his destruction! Thus it is today. People intent on hurting themselves will generally attract others to be like them (Prov. 1:10-19). This is what Korah, Dathan, and Abiram did (Num. 16:1-3). Their destructive message not only hurt them (Num. 16:31-35), but it had attracted many others, and they also were destroyed (Num. 16:41-49). In the New Testament, we are warned of the “good words and fair speeches” of the false teachers (Rom. 16:18). We are told that “many (not a few, JJ) shall follow their pernicious ways” (II Pet. 2:2). Such people shall be made “spoil” or “merchandise” as a result of following the harmful false doctrines of men (II Pet. 2:3; Col. 2:4, 8). The end result is that these folks must face “the wrath of God” (Eph. 5:6). In contrast to this, there are those who act like the bird feeder. They attract folks for the purpose of building up and nourishing them (Eph. 4:29b; Col. 4:6). Certainly, Jesus is like this. While on earth, He attracted folks to Him with the salvation message. This message continues to attract people today to be saved (Rom. 1:16). His crucifixion draws men to Him (Jn. 12:32). Furthermore, His gospel is described as “milk” and “meat” (I Pet. 2:2; Heb. 5:12-14) i.e., nourishment for the souls of men. His words are given for the benefit of man. When folks are attracted to Him, He gives life, not death (Jn. 6:63). None are harmed by God’s word, for there is spiritual benefit for all! (Isa. 55:10-11) It is this same gospel message that we ought to have on our lips and in our lives (I Pet. 4:11; Col. 3:17). There is a world of lost souls today who will never know about Christ, nor His life-saving word unless we are active in teaching (Mk. 16:15; II Tim. 2:2). No, we do not attract folks to ourselves, but to Him! Jesus said when we let our lights shine, folks will see us and glorify God (Matt. 5:16). This benefits all!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 03:16:19 +0000

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