“But Jesus would not trust himself to them because he knew them - TopicsExpress


“But Jesus would not trust himself to them because he knew them all, and did not need anyone to testify about human nature. He himself understood it well.” John 2:25 I have been reflecting on this gospel passage for sometime have been taking time to unravel in my mind and heart what has been plaguing me for such a long time. I have tried to be kind, understanding, considerate, I have tried to give and inch and have had to hold on for dear life while a foot and a yard was trying to be yanked form me. I keep being tolerant and saying “baby steps” and all the while there is manipulation and lies being feed to me. No more. I hate to be hard, but I must be, when I allow another into our family life, I expect respect in my own house and around my family members and friends. I will no longer tolerate scenes and ill manners at my family functions. I will no longer allow anyone in my home who cannot respect our space. If you want to visit in my household do not mistake my hospitality for you to act the fool and violate good breeding. I want the past to stay in the past. My grandchild has suffered enough, the past needs to go away for now and stay there. I was advised to stop all communication with her past family by the Department of children and family, and I felt that to be to cruel, but maybe that was the right advise. Tension and tears on the part of my granddaughter seem to happen every time the past comes up: NO MORE! unless the ones in the past can somehow fix their lives. This is over.!!!!! Please do not ask me for more tolerance it is not happening the changes must take place before I even consider anyone or anything.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 20:31:06 +0000

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