But he also said machines have been displacing jobs for almost - TopicsExpress


But he also said machines have been displacing jobs for almost half a century. The proportion of those aged 25-54 (the relevant cohort) that is not working in the US has tripled since 1965. This cannot be blamed on globalisation alone. It predates meaningful trade with China. It is a long-term trend and it is accelerating. For those tempted by cry Luddism, hold your thought. This is nothing like the switch from agricultural revolution to the first machine age. The new displaced cannot migrate into textiles mills and great manufacturing hubs on the 19th Century. Labour-saving technology is now sweeping all sectors, including services. The challenge is that much more immense now, he said. ... This is not a counsel of utter despair. Governments can rewrite the rule book, though that is a tall order in our global race to the bottom, with footloose capital. As Mr Summers says, the abuses did not self-correct even in the late 19th Century and early 20th Century. It required a Gladstone, a Bismarck, a Roosevelt to make it work, he said. Prof Erik Brynjolfsson, a tech guru at MIT, said tax policies can change the game. Some 80pc of US taxation is now on labour. But how do you shift this burden to wealth taxes in a world of open capital flows and competing national tax jurisdictions? (Protectionism perhaps, but I wash my mouth out with soap for even muttering it)
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 12:48:06 +0000

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