"But how many care about our history? And, of those who do care, - TopicsExpress


"But how many care about our history? And, of those who do care, how many really still believe? Some things are worth believing in: that the little guy can make it; every single life has value and is worth living; that honor and integrity do matter; that justice will prevail – if not in this life – then the next and that God does exist. And what we do in our lives matters. It is the meek and the humble that inherit the earth. Have we forgotten? We have declared ourselves masters of the earth — spread our troops all over the world, taught the world how to do banking like we do it here in America. Even though we can’t even master ourown homes, protect our neighborhoods, or simply balance a check book. How grotesque and garish we must appear to those looking in. I, for one, still believe in the silly notion of truth, justice and the American way. Since our founding, a good percentage of our fellow citizens closed their eyes to the civil rights of all Americans. “I’m okay. I don’t want to think of the bad things going on. I am busy. It doesn’t affect me. It can’t be that bad and even if it is, I am just one person and what can I do about it anyway?” Nothing has changed, except the chairs at the table. Someone has always been on the losing end of the stick of power. Blacks are the most obvious, the Chinese, the Native Americans, but lets not forget the Irish, the Catholics, the Mormons, the Jews, and now it seems all those of faith that will not conform. For those that think men make progress collectively: I warn you, history teaches that you couldn’t be more wrong. We are redeemed one man at a time. There is no “family pass” ticket or park hopping pass to life. One ticket, one life at a time. Man doesn’t vanquish hatred or bigotry. The target keeps moving . . . truth, justice, and freedom are the wellspring from which the waters of man’s civil rights come. And so they must be upheld for all men – those you know, those you do not, and maybe more importantly — they must be upheld for those who you do know but do not like or agree with at all. If they are lost for one, in the end they are lost for all." - Glenn Beck, at the June 19 ‘Audit the IRS’ event in D.C.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 12:17:29 +0000

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