...But they rebelled against him and grieved his Holy Spirit. So - TopicsExpress


...But they rebelled against him and grieved his Holy Spirit. So he became their enemy and fought against them. Isaiah 63:10...Grieving the Holy Spirit is willfully thwarting his leading by disobedience or rebellion. On behalf of the faithful remnant, Isaiah asks God for two favors: to show mercy and compassion to them and to punish their enemies. Before making these requests, Isaiah recites the Lords past favors, reminding him of his compassion in former days. Gods appearance is so intense that it is like a consuming fire that burns everything in its path. If we are so impure, how can we be saved? Only by Gods mercy...We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags. Isaiah 64:6...Sin makes us unclean so that we cannot approach God any more than a beggar in filthy rags could dine at a kings table. Our best efforts are still infected with sin. Our only hope, therefore, is faith in Jesus Christ, who can cleanse us and bring us to Gods presence. It doesnt mean that God will reject us if we come to him in faith, nor that he despises our efforts to please him. It means that if we come to him demanding acceptance on the basis of our good conduct, God will point out that our righteousness is but filthy rags compared to his infinite righteousness. Our memories can serve a useful purpose if we allow them to. The painful memories that come from past mistakes help us remember that poor choices lead to negative consequences. Our memories are beneficial when we remember what God has done for us. He forgave our past sins, He gave us the power to sin no more, and He helped us when we faced difficult situations...The Benefits of Remembering...Let us never forget our past so that we do not repeat our mistakes, and may we never forget that our mighty God is ALWAYS there to help us. Thank You Father for Your love and faithfulness!...(Isaiah 63:7-64:12; The Ancient Paths Devotional)...
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 10:25:03 +0000

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