"By now it’s grown clear that George Lucas has an agenda, one - TopicsExpress


"By now it’s grown clear that George Lucas has an agenda, one that he takes very seriously. After four “Star Wars” films, alarm bells should have gone off, even among those who don’t look for morals in movies. When the chief feature distinguishing “good” from “evil” is how pretty the characters are, it’s a clue that maybe the whole saga deserves a second look. Just what bill of goods are we being sold, between the frames? *Elites have an inherent right to arbitrary rule; common citizens needn’t be consulted. They may only choose which elite to follow. *“Good” elites should act on their subjective whims, without evidence, argument or accountability. *Any amount of sin can be forgiven if you are important enough. *True leaders are born. It’s genetic. The right to rule is inherited. *Justified human emotions can turn a good person evil. (...) In “Star Trek,” when authorities are defied, it is in order to overcome their mistakes or expose particular villains, not to portray all institutions as inherently hopeless. Good cops sometimes come when you call for help. Ironically, this image fosters useful criticism of authority, because it suggests that any of us can gain access to our flawed institutions, if we are determined enough — and perhaps even fix them with fierce tools of citizenship. By contrast, the oppressed “rebels” in “Star Wars” have no recourse in law or markets or science or democracy. They can only choose sides in a civil war between two wings of the same genetically superior royal family. They may not meddle or criticize. As Homeric spear-carriers, it’s not their job. Above all, “Star Trek” generally depicts heroes who are only about 10 times as brilliant, noble and heroic as a normal person, prevailing through cooperation and wit, rather than because of some inherited godlike transcendent greatness. Characters who do achieve godlike powers are subjected to ruthless scrutiny." salon/1999/06/15/brin_main/
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 18:28:49 +0000

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