"By wisdom the LORD founded the earth; by understanding he created - TopicsExpress


"By wisdom the LORD founded the earth; by understanding he created the heavens. By his knowledge the deep fountains of the earth burst forth, and the dew settles beneath the night sky." -Proverbs 3:19-20 Keeping in mind that "From his mouth come knowledge and understanding" (2:6), God spoke the entire universe into existence. And his organization of it came from wisdom of what was to come. Think about it. We survive from oxygen, we are perfectly positioned from the sun; any closer and we would burn to death, any farther and we would freeze over. All the planets orbit around each other according to their gravity fields. No planet will crash into another. All the animals in the world live off each other through the food chain. The beasts eat smaller beats who eat bugs, who eat plants, who get their nutrients from decomposers that break down the large beasts. And the beauty of a flower or the splendor of a mountain range is enough to lift the spirits of a broken man for the rest of his life. Where did that come from? Wisdom.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 19:09:18 +0000

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