****CAMPUS PAROL EPISODE 3 **** I quickly covered my mouth with - TopicsExpress


****CAMPUS PAROL EPISODE 3 **** I quickly covered my mouth with my palms to prevent me from saying anything nasty to her. I respected the fact that am not in the right position to chastise her, because she is the bible study secetary in my church fellowship. Her head was still bowed in shame, I knew she was suffering from the shock of been caught in the act. She sniffled time after time, sending a signal that she was weeping. I am so emotional; easily touched by the tears of people especially the ladies. I moved closer to her, knelt down in front of her, grabbed her head gently, and raised it up. I wondered if raising her head or kneeling before her was the reason for another set of tears. Her eyes were already cherry red due to her ceaseless tears. I tried all I could to dent the down pour of her tears but to no avail. “Sister Grace, Sister Grace, please stop crying.” I said, wiping her cheeks with my handkerchief. She sniffled and ultimately stopped crying. I was quite ecstatic at that very moment for several reasons; sister Grace who finally halted her showers of tears and the most intriguing one, the fabrication of my thought about Kofo’s presence in my room. Emeka stood at a vantage point in the room stumped at the drama we both displayed. I furiously glanced at him while patting her back to reduce the shock. “Banji, what’s wrong?” Emeka asked, “you know Grace?” “You dey mad!” I stood up and replied angrily. “Me? Sey wetin?” I moved closer and shoved him against the wall, installing my raged eyes on him. “Would you get your hands off me before I get mad at you!” He commanded with his eyes bulging out like that of a drangonfly. Banji, repect your old age and let him go else you’ll cruise around the week with a black eye, I quickily thought to myself. I gradually released my hands off him because I was quite scared of him. I shifted my attention away from him to Sister Grace who was down in the dumps. “Sister Grace, kindly come to my bed space.” I said, helping her up from Emeka’s chair. Emeka must have really dealt with her because I wondered why she was walking like an aged woman with an invisible walking stick. Emeka muttered some abusive words while we walked by him, I could barely hear them. She sat on my bed while I sat on a wooden box beside it. I once again calmed her down before persuading her to talk. I trimmed down the sound of my voice because of Emeka’s snoopy ears. “Talk to me, what’s between you and Emeka?” I asked, pointing at where Emeka was. She burst into tears again. I suddenly got pissed, but it got me wondering what really transpired between these two folks. I really wanted to know the secret behind her tears. But Sister Grace, you enjoyed the whole moment he was on you, I said to myself. I allowed my tender heart to reign by pampering her once again; I really don’t have that time, I’m only doing that to find out the truth. I wheedled her to vomit every truth residing in her belly. She was about talking when my cell phone rang. Why was Bayo calling? I paused and asked myself. I missed his call as I was about answering it. Bayo called again, now it’s totally bizarre; Bayo hardly ever calls nor send text messages. I picked up the call and hung up in less than five seconds; ten seconds would be close to the truth. I became uneasy thereafter the call. I was completely bewildered, it all seem my day was deteriorating instead of getting better. I hastily picked up my bag and ran out of the room like a thief about to be caught. I never gave a bit of attention to sister Grace who was surprised about my sudden change and exit out of the room. I made use of my elongated legs, running very fast, faster than the speed of light to my department. While running, my sandal suddenly dissevered, reducing my pace. The devil is a liar, I assured myself; the devil is always blamed for all faults, even delibrate ones. I finally arrived at my department but belated. My course mates were already coming out of the lecture room. Some were smiling, while some knitted their brows. They had a test. I was completely perplexed, I felt like going offline in the real sense of life. I approached Bayo, who was also frowning out of the class. “O boy! How was the test?” I curiously asked. “That woman na !” Bayo replied, “I swear she’s mad.” “Wetin happen? How the questions be like?” “She no teach us anything and yet she sets crazy questions.” I was quite happy that not only Bayo was frowning but some few other students. She might give us another test if students didn’t perform well, I hoped. We took off walking on the veranda of the department to our halls. “Mrs Nwachukwu, na craze person.” I yelled, “How many times has she lectured us?” “I wonder too.” Bayo affirmed. “She is a bastard!” I yelled again. Almost getting to the end of the veranda, we heard a creaky sound; it was an office door. “Banji!” We paused, I turned around to find out who called me. Lo and behold, it was Mrs Nwachukwu. She stood in front of her office waiting for me to come closer to her. I can’t really tell if she was frowning because her face is naturally wrinckled. I kept asking my mulish mind questions as I bounced to meet her. Did she perceive I called her crazy or bastard? Did she want to query me for not taking her test? Did she want to give me a make up test? My mind kept pumping question in split seconds. “Good evening Ma.” “Come inside.” She said, entering inside her office. I nervously followed her. I stood before her desk while she sat on her rocking chair. I can’t but notice her uncovered grey hair. Mrs Nwachukwu is quite old, she was in her early sixties. Her hair alone convicted me; why on earth should I abuse a woman old enough to be my mother. “I heard you call someone a bastard some minutes ago.” She said, interlocking her hands and rested her chin on it. “Hmmmmm... Ma! No ma. I was talking to Bayo.” I stammered as I replied. She laughed out loud and said “It was not Bayo my dear. You were apparently refering to a lady, not a guy.” I was now so sure she knew I was refering to her, but I was not ready to let my guard down. Oyo boys no dey carry last, I said to myself, no retreat no surrender. I thought rapidly fast about the response am going to provide her. My brain got the answer in a jiffy; my brain and google search engine go head to head. “Oh ma! I was refering to Sade.” I said, with my eyes bulging out in confidence. “Ooook.” She believed. “But next time I musn’t hear you use foul language again. Understood?!” “Yes Ma.” I smiled. “Good. You may go.” I retreated immediately from her office. I felt like fainting when I saw Sade coming. Was she coming to me or going to see Mrs Nwachukwu? That, I can’t answer. I boldly approached her as she got closer. Sade and her tomboyish ways. She has been my prey from the word go. “Sade, what’s up?” I friendly attacked. “Where are you going?” “Shut up! Crook!” “Sade, am sorry. I can explain.” “You don’t have to.” Are you serious? I really don’t have to explain? Yipee! I guess I really don’t have to because I don’t have any excuse, I was just about saying. She hissed and walked away. I stood for some seconds to get the exact place she was headed. Oops! She was entering Mrs Nwankwo’s office. I quickly took to my heels, evacuating the department. While walking along a narrow path to our halls, Bayo asked why I left the class and why I wasn’t early enough to meet up with the test. “O boy! I slept off. I can’t afford to stay for that lecture.” I lied, “perhaps, I don’t know there would be test.” I had no option than to save sister Grace the shame because Bayo attends the same fellowship as we do. After schmoozing for a while, we both parted ways to our halls. Not quite long my phone beeped, I checked to find out I got a message from Kofo. She informed me that she was already waiting for me in my room. I was elated that at least the night would end romantically. But the happy feeling didn’t last; I was suddenly clouded with the feelings I had before running for the test, I wished the running was worth it afterall. All I could think of was what really transpired between Sis Grace and Emeka. I shrugged off all that kept ringing on my mind and galantly climbed the stairs to my room. It was quite late already, 7:15p.m, Yes, I checked my time. I whistle as I walked steadily along the corridor to my room. “Yeeeeeeeeeesss sssssssssssss!! ! Baby Yes!” a lady moaning out loud. I heard that Intimate sound faintly from afar. I increased my pace to be sure about the room the sound is coming from. I finally got in front of my room. I paused for some seconds. “Ride on baby! Ride on! Yes Yes Yes! Jeeeeeeeeeeeez! Awwwwww!” she shamelessly groaned. “Sister Grace again?” I asked myself. “Infact, I remove sister from your name henceforth. Grace too bad.” I totally forgot Kofo is in the room. Now am confused. I quickly reached my phone to call her. I dialed her number but to no avail. I smiled in disapproval of what the service provider was saying. I dialed again and kept the phone on loud speaker so I could hear well. “The number you have dialed is switched off.” A voice from the network agent. Emeka and Kofo? Together? I thought to myself. I suddenly became cold. The goose bumps that immediately formed on my body were as tall as mountain. I wiggled while contemplating whether to knock the door or not. I couldn’t resist the horrible Intimate sound anymore so I decided to knock on the door. As I was about knocking, it opened. Kofo came out. I was so tensed, I slapped her unconsciously. Immediately I did, I felt so eased like a woman that just delivered a baby. She held her face in pity, staring at me like a horror movie. I stood gazing at her also justifying the slap. “Baby it’s okay. Awwwww! It’s okay please.” The strange lady groaned after a long silence. I felt like taking Kofo’s hand to slap my face back after hearing that worthless girl screamed. My patience has landed me into another trouble. I went slowly on my knees before Kofo like an innocent pupil, pleading for my action. She wanted to talk but nothing came out of her mouth. She tried holding back her tears but it failed; tears uncontrollably trickled down her cheeks. She turned around and scurried away. I remained on my knees like a criminal begging for mercy. I cried on the same spot. “What have I done?” I angrily asked myself. “Why? Why? Banji why?” I guarded up again like a man that I am. I stood up. Grace, I will beat you and the dog that has been riding on you since morning, I said to myself. I rushed inside the room like a wrestler into a ring. Oops! They both are still having evening exercise after all that has happened to me. They are both under the blanket, ignorant about my presence. I was so prepared for Emeka. I was ready to fight. I took my shirt off and rolled my trouser to my knee. I frowned like a boy that misplaced his lunch fee. I held the edge of the blanket and hauled it to reveal their miserable faces. Emeka turned around almost immediately and grasp me. I quickly landed a blow on his face that landed him on the bed. He stood up swiftly like a soldier and striked his, I weaved it. I kicked, not intending to hit his stomach but did. He fell on the floor and I took opportunity of that. I sat on him. He struggled. I struggled. She was so scared of all the drama we performed, she took to her heels. “Grace, I am coming for you oooo!” I shouted as she was running out of the room. “Slut!” I dragged my focus back to helpless Emeka. I punched him again on the face. He immediately started begging; punch atimes is a good therapy for madness. I stood off him and quickly ran after Grace. I cared less about what people would think of me dressed like I was. I looked really like a psycho. My singlet was soaked but not obvious because it’s quite dark, 7:45pm. I halted my race and thought of where I could locate Grace. Alas! It was the fellowship’s bible study day. I thought to check her there because she won’t like to miss it, her position won’t warrant. I was purposely silencing the still small voice telling me to retreat. She has cost me alot already and I can’t let her go just like that, I assured myself. I ignited my running engine again because the bible study was closing by 8:30pm. What a day, I lost alot today, I kept saying while running. I finally got to the fellowship. I quickly rolled down my trouser before entering. I had this ‘I don’t trust you too’ look on my face when the female usher was leading me to a seat. As a matter of fact, I don’t trust anyone again; not after what Sister Grace did. I patiently sat down listening to the almost ending sermon: “No matter what anyone does to you, try and forgive. God won’t forgive you if you don’t forgive your fellow man.” Brother Samuel preached. I shrugged off all he was saying. If you are in my shoes, I swear you won’t preach that nonsense, I muttered. The fellow that sat beside me, almost immediately looked at me disgustingly. I wondered if he heard what I said or was pissed with the way I was dressed; singlet and trouser on sandal. “If you are here and you won’t forgive, then am sorry to say, God won’t forgive you.” Brother Samuel preached on. Now Brother Samuel was getting the worst out of me by that statement. I felt that Sister Grace has reported me to him and he was purposely directing the sermon to me. My brain was already over heating. I was so vexed to the extent of reading it all over my face. Thank goodness, the sermon ended. “We call on the bible study secetary to please come out and share the grace for us.” Brother Samuel obliged. Now this is where they called for trouble, Grace should share the grace? I was not going to allow her do that not after gracing Emeka’s graceless bed. She boldly strolled out of the congregation not noticing my presence. “May the grace of the Lord Jes—s-ss” She was saying. “Hey! Please!” I interrupted aloud raising my hand. Everybody impulsively gazed at me like a celebrity. Sister Grace was bolted from the blue when she saw me. They all wondered what I wanted to say. “Ehm--- Ehmm-- Ehmm” I stuttered. The whole congregation started grumbling. He needs deliverance some said. I wondered what kept my mouth sealed at that moment. Some ushers quickly arrived where I was sitted, directing me to a corner. I was asked to sit down, waiting for the fellowship president to pray for me. I smiled within and asked myself if I really needed to be delivered. The fellowship ended and the congregation dispersed. Brother Samuel, the fellowship president and Sister Grace came to where I was sitted. “Brother Banji, what has come over you?” Brother Samuel asked. That question pumped out the whole annoyance inside of me. I wouldn’t have been vexed if the question came from another person entirely. Brother Samuel, I know from my day one in the school. We both met at the school’s admission office to fill some documents. He’s quite cute but very slim. His english intonation sounds foreign and that he used as an opportunity to coax ladies to himself. He loves girls, but am not sure about now. I laughed and said, “ask Sister Grace.” Sister Grace instantly was stunned. They all looked at themselves amazed. My eyes was fixed on fidgeting Sister Grace. She summoned courage to ask me how she happen to be the cause. “Should I talk?” I asked her. “Please wait!” She intercepted. She whispered to Brother Samuel. I was so ready to expose her since she has the effrontery to talk back at me. “Please ushers, you may go.” Brother Samuel said. They wanted to shade it away from the ushers. The two ushers excused, leaving Brother Samuel and Grace with me. “Now Brother Banji, what did Sister Grace do?” Brother Samuel urged me. I peeked at Grace before saying anything. She looked remorseful like a hungry refugee. I battled within the second whether to expose her or not. “Am sorry to say, Sister Grace fo—o—orn fooor—orrnnn.” I faltered. Grace turned around covering her face with her both palm in shame before I could complete my word. “Forn what?” Brother Samuel persuaded me to open up. “Functionally came to my hall without stoping by my room.” I lied. She immediately turned around again in joy. She smiled so brightly like the winner of a reality show. “Is that why you wanted to interrupt the bible study?” He asked. “Don’t mind him Brother Samuel, I know how he feels.” She quickly cut in with a fake smile. “Brother Banji am sorry about that.” “No problem. Can I go now?” I said, though not satisfied. “Yes.” They both replied. What they both will discuss after then was not my business. I still had it in mind to deal with Grace but I decided to take it cool. I left quite relieved. Should I now go to Kofo’s hall or proceed to my hall, was the only issue on my mind. I checked my time to discover it was already 9:19pm. It was late to visit her so I decided to call. I dialed. “Banji! Banji! I swear no come back here o!” Emeka’s voice protruded out of the phone speaker. “I promise to kill you.” I was shocked. I immediately hung up the call. I checked the contact I dialed. Oh no! I made the same mistake again. I dialed ‘Emeka’ instead of ‘Emerald’. Now that Emeka had revealed his intention, the mistake helped. I prepared my strategy. I carefully dialed Kofo afterwards. I dialed. “Never in your life dial this number again!” A voice responded and hung up. I definitely knew it was not Kofo that said all that, because am so acquainted with her voice that I can’t mistake it for any. Who could that be? I thought to myself. I paid no heed to that so I concentrated on my room mate’s threat. Is his threat an empty one or not? I asked myself. I shrugged off and forged ahead to my hall. Everywhere was almost quiet, less movement around. I became so vigilant now that I arrive my hall because Emeka could be lurking around the corner. I was tip toeing like a cartoon character, Tom, who’s about to catch Jerry. Oops! I saw Emeka from afar resting his arms on the railing of the corridor in front of our room. He was holding a bottle. I was so sure that the bottle was meant for my skul so I came to a decision to go to sleep in Bayo’s room. I hastened my steps but it became obvious to restless Emeka. “Banji, your father! I swear I will catch you today” Emeka shouted from upstairs, running downstairs. I took to my heels like never before. I was not ready to die. I ran as fast as I could towards Bayo’s hall. Emeka is another fast runner I know after Usain Bolt. The fear of him catching up to me was what converted my legs to michelin tire. I ran. I got to Bayo’s room. I banged his door so loud that even a dead creature would hear. He opened the door slightly to peep at the nuisance banging his door. I noticed it, so I quickly forced it open. I hurried him to bolt the door. I was panting so loudly with my mouth wide open. Bayo stood looking at me scattered on the floor. “Banji, wetin happen na?” Bayo questioned, “why you dey run by this time.” “Bayo. Bayo. Bayo.” I kept saying still breathing very loud. “Talk jor!” “Emeka. Emeka. Emeka Ooooo.” “Wetin do Emeka?” Bang! Bang! Bang! Someone banging on Bayo’s door. Now my heart is almost popping out because I have a strong belief that it was Emeka. Bayo moved towards the door to open it but I stood up as if fire fell on me to hinder him. “Bayo jo ma si.” I pleaded, which means ‘Bayo please don’t open it.’ “Why na?” He questioned. Bang! Bang! Bang! The unknown fellow banged the door again. Bayo was now suspicious about the whole thing. Bayo hurried to his wardrobe to pick a metal black object. I never knew it was a pistol until he cocked it. I have never seen a pistol this close in my life, excluding the ones I stare at with the police. What’s Bayo doing with a pistol? I questioned my wobbly mind. I reserve the question for a later time. I became so relaxed after been assured of maximum protection. “Who be that?” Bayo roared. “Abeg na me.” “You. Who?” “Usman.” Bayo hid the pistol in his pocket after validating the stranger. Usman is Bayo’s neighbour. He is so fond of begging, especially petty things. He is a miser as well. He hardly can give but receives. “Usman, wetin happen?” Bayo interrogated. “Abeg, you get sugar?” We laughed so loudly when he replied. This mallam risked his life because of sugar. “Aboki, so na because of sugar you wan come break my door?” “Bayo, abeg no vex.” “Aboki, I no get sugar.” Bayo dismissed him. Usman left. Bayo went back to his wardrobe and hid the gun. I installed my eyes on him all through. He turned around to notice that I was interested in knowing about the gun. “The pistol?” He asked. “Yes. Tell me.” “Do you need one?” “Tell me about the pistol.” I pressured, “I never asked for one.” “I got it from ...” Bayo was talking. Bang! Another knock on the door. Now it’s becoming more scary. I thought I found safety, but I was wrong; Bayo’s room is worst than facing Emeka with a cutlass in his hand. I looked at Bayo who was already looking at me. “Who you be?” Bayo yelled. “Nna Bayo, na me. Chinedu.” Bayo giggled and said, “Omo Igbo! Iwo ni,” which means ‘Igbo boy, it’s you.’ Chinedu is Bayo’s roommate. He is a macho man. He has this scary deep voice like a lion. I noticed he wasn’t alone outside because I could hear him converse with someone. Bayo open the door. I was bolted from the blue when I saw Emeka with Chinedu. I black out immediately. Bayo was still busy greeting his roommate while me and my roommate were ready for war. Emeka moved closer to me. I shifted backwards as he moved closer and closer. Bayo and Chinedu wondered what’s going on. “Wetin dey happen na, Emeka?” Bayo interrogated. Emeka deliberately deafened himself to Bayo. He moved closer to me. Bayo moved closer to him and pulled him backwards by the shoulder. Emeka angrily punched him on the face. Bayo fell down flat on the floor holding his face with his palm. Chinedu, I guess has been hinted by Emeka on the current issue between us. They both walked towards me; it appeared like a slow motion to me. I had my heart in my hands already. Their face were becoming more scarier. Suddenly I had a feeling that I can actually defeat Emeka but the feeling died in a jiffy when I saw Chinedu’s muscles. “Na only you get power abi?” Chinedu said, hitting his right fist on his left palm. “The bastard blow blow my jaw commot.” Emeka furiously added. “Bastard!” “Emeka, abeg.” I pleaded, almost crying. “It’s not like that.” Bang! Bang! Someone knocks at the door. Emeka and Chinedu turned around distracted. “Who the hell is that?” Chinedu yelled. “Na Usman.” “Mallam wetin you want?” “Abeg, my garri don finish.” “Ehn Ehn. Wetin make I do?” Chinedu attacked. “Commot for there before I descend on you.” As Emeka turned around to my direction, I dazed him with a punch on his face. Chinedu received his share when he turned around at the groan of Emeka. Bayo stood up quickly and it became a battle of two on two. I went for Emeka, my roommate while Bayo took on his roommate, Chinedu. I was ready to kill. I lost all my morals; Daddy and Mummy’s words of admonition evaporated. My fist were tight and hard. Emeka showed his local traditional fighting skill. He cunningly went beneath me and raised me up like a tournament trophy. I blew his head rapidly to change his mind about slamming me on the floor. He slammed my back on the floor, my spine communicated immediately to my brain. I couldnt move. I find it arduous to breathe. Emeka joined Chinedu to beat already wounded Bayo. I pretended to be so weak and helpless; actually I was. Bayo struggled. He weaved all the punches thrown by these two monsters. He was beaten all around the room. He muddled through somehow to his wardrobe. Emeka kicked me on the face after he realized I was regaining strength. POW! Gunshot. Dead silence. Who shot? Who’s the victim? *************** *************** ********** WATCHOUT FOR EPISODE 4 next...
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 16:29:44 +0000

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