-CAN BE SEEN ON A LAP TOP AND HOME COMPUTER: SOME MOBILE PHONES MAY NOT BE ABLE TO SEE THIS- M.O.B.- ((( 2014 MOB TV TEAESER AT THE R.M.H. TODAY ))) *EASTER BLESSINGS FOR THE CHILDREN OF THE RONALD McDONALD HOUSE* -3-15-20104 ~UNBELIEVABLE - WOW~ ------------------- *Special Thanks to Derrick and Gina McCulloch and their wonderful family today, for their heart felt gifts and hard work in Making Others Better at the Ronald McDonald House.. Filled with much emotion, along with some teary eyes, Steve RaiderBee BigBee and Godfather Griz Jones were truly Honored. You have made these kids World today. A special thanks to all of you out there who donated to the cause. ------------------ A true story that took place today, that hammered the nail home for me. I have been fortunate to have witnessed the smiles on the Kids of the Ronald McDonald House the times in the past I volunteered my time. I have been fortuate to witness other volunteers who were touched with tears today from giving to the Ronald McDonald House. Derrick, Gina and their family are the best. They clearly have the heart of a True Mobster. Lastly, Derrick as my witness, I witnessed today the joy the parents of one of the children who had brain surgery and gets treated at the Ronald McDonald House. ------------------------- TRUE STORY: THE FATHER CALLED OUT MY NAME. HE IS A FRIEND FROM MODESTO I HAVE NOT SEEN SINCE 2006. I FELT SO BADD BECAUSE I FORGOT HIS NAME. LAST TIME HE AND I CROSSED PATHS WAS WHEN THE MOB WAS ASKED BY THE YES NETWORK ( YANKEES ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES OUT OF NY) TO HOST AN EVENT ON MOB ALLEY FOR THEIR REALITY SHOW. TODAY WHEN HE CALLED OUT MY NAME, HIS LOVELY DAUGHTER WHO CANT BE MORE THEN 2 YEARS OLD, RECENTLY HAD BRAIN SURGERY AT THE HOSPITAL THERE. A TUMOR THE SIZE OF A GRAPEFRUIT WAS PULLED OUT. I WAS STUNNED, I FELT SO BADD, SO TOUCHED. THEY BRING THEIR LITTLE ANGEL IN THERE FOR REPEATED CHEMO TREATMENTS WITH THE HOPE THE CANCER DOES NOT COME BACK.. THIS IS A HUMBLING REMINDER OF WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO FOR THESE KIDS. STAY HUMBLE BECAUSE WE DONT KNOW WHAT KIND OF CURVE BALL FATE HAS IN STORE TO TEST US AS PARENTS, AS FRIENDS, WITH YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS AND YOUR OR SIGNIFICANT OTHER, STAY HUMBLE. MAY THE MOB BE WITH ALL OF US
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 03:20:02 +0000

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