“CHARLES IN CHARGE” For your consideration…Pay attention - TopicsExpress


“CHARLES IN CHARGE” For your consideration…Pay attention especially if you are…or have been…a Denverite! This info presented here may be of great interest to you…Denver International Airport (DIA) is notoriously known as the HUB of the New World Order! It is DIA-bolical when you discover its true function! It represents the SEAT of the Secret Government! (KJV-King James Version-1769 Cambridge Edition) 1 John 2: 18 Little children, IT IS THE LAST TIME: and as ye have heard that ANTICHRIST shall come, even now are there many ANTICHRISTS; whereby we know that IT IS THE LAST TIME. The CHARLATAN, Barack Hussein Obama, is the SLAVISH FOOL of the NWO…and is a CHURL! This CHARLatan is the puppet-face of the ONE who pulls his strings behind the scenes…that is…SATAN. BHO is a FALSE CHRIST! CHARLATAN char•la•tan noun \ˈshär-lə-tən\ : a person who falsely pretends to know or be something in order to DECEIVE people Full Definition of CHARLATAN 1: quack 2 2: one making usually showy pretenses to knowledge or ability : fraud, faker — char•la•tan•ism noun — char•la•tan•ry noun (KJV-King James Version-1769 Cambridge Edition) John 2: 22 Who is a LIAR but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is ANTICHRIST, that denieth the Father and the Son. (ASV-American Standard Version) Isaiah 32: 5 The FOOL shall be no more called NOBLE, nor the CHURL said to be BOUNTIFUL. In 2009 NOBEL Peace Prize was awarded to U.S. President Barack Obama! “Obama accepted the prize in Oslo on December 10, 2009. In a 36-minute speech, he discussed the tensions between war and peace and the idea of a just war[5] saying, ‘perhaps the most profound issue surrounding my receipt of this prize is the fact that I am the Commander-in-Chief of the military of a nation in the midst of two wars.’” 2009 Nobel Peace Prize…From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ominously…DENVER used to be called ST. CHARLES…“Meaning of Place Name: DENVER, Colorado Denver, Colorado: After James W. Denver, ex-Governor of Kansas. The name adopted upon the consolidation in 1860 of the towns of ST. CHARLES and Aurora. DENVER geographical name (Concise Encyclopedia) City (pop., 2000: 554,636), capital of Colorado, U.S. On the South Platte River just east of the Rocky Mountains, its elevation of 5,280 ft. (1,609 m) gives it the nickname “Mile High City.” An early stopping place for Indians and trappers, it was settled in 1858 as ST. CHARLES, abruptly renamed Denver City (the “city” was eventually dropped), and combined with the rival town of Auraria in 1860, becoming the territorial capital as Denver City in 1867. The 1870s and 80s saw a silver boom that ended in 1893, but new gold discoveries helped prevent a major decline. Modern Denver, a transportation, industrial, and commercial HUB, has one of the nations largest livestock markets. It is a major centre for winter sports, with many ski areas in the vicinity. The Denver branch of the U.S. Mint (opened 1906) produces about 50% of U.S. coinage and is the nations second largest gold depository. The meaning of the name CHARLES…is where we get the word CHURL… CHARLES…From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The names etymology is a Common Germanic noun *karlaz meaning free man, which survives in English as CHURL (< Old English ċeorl),[1] which developed its deprecating sense in the Middle English period. History Early Middle Ages The name is atypical for Germanic names as it is not composed of two elements, but simply a noun meaning (free) man. This meaning of ceorl contrasts with eorl (Old Norse jarl) NOBLEMAN on one hand and with þeow (Old Norse þræll) BONDSMAN, SLAVE on the other. CHARLES \ch(ar)-les\ as a boys name is pronounced charlz. It is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Charles is free man. From KARL, similar to Old English CHURL, meaning man, SERF. The first Holy Roman Emperor (seventh to eighth century) Charlemagne (Latin Carolus Magnus, meaning Charles the Great) was a powerful German leader who created a more ORDERed society OUT OF the CHAOS that followed the fall of Rome. He united France and much of central Europe. His widespread fame gave rise to many forms of his name. Charles is the French variant of Carolus or Karolus, adopted by the English especially since the 17th-century reigns of kings Charles I and II. Charles and its variant forms have been favoured by the royalty of several countries, INCLUDING THE PRESENT PRINCE OF WALES. CHURL noun \ˈchər(-ə)l\ Definition of CHURL 1: ceorl 2: a medieval peasant 3: rustic, countryman 4 a : a rude ill-bred person b : a stingy morose person ceorl noun \ˈchā-ˌȯrl\ : a freeman of the lowest rank in Anglo-Saxon England CHURL [churl] noun 1. a rude, boorish, or surly person. 2. a peasant; rustic. 3. a niggard; miser: He was a churl in his affections. 4. English History . a freeman of the lowest rank. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Origin: before 900; Middle English cherl, Old English ceorl man, freeman; cognate with Dutch kerel, German Kerl; akin to carl Dictionary Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2014. Collins World English Dictionary CHURL (tʃɜːl) — n 1. a surly ill-bred person 2. archaic a farm labourer 3. a variant spelling of ceorl [Old English ceorl; related to Old Norse karl, Middle Low German kerle, Greek gerōn old man] Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition 2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Cite This Source Etymonline Word Origin & History CHURL O.E. ceorl peasant, freeman, man without rank, from P.Gmc. *kerlaz, *karlaz. It had various meaning in early M.E., including man of the common people, a country man, husbandman, free peasant; by 1300, it meant bondman, VILLAIN, also FELLOW OF LOW BIRTH OR RUDE MANNERS. For acquisition of an insulting flavor over time, compare boor, VILLAIN. Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper Cite This Source Biblically…This is what a CHURL is… Easton Bible Dictionary CHURL definition in Isa. 32:5 (R.V. marg., CRAFTY), means a DECEIVER. In 1 Sam. 25:3, the word CHURLISH denotes a man that is COARSE and ILL-NATURED, or, as the word literally means, HARD. The same Greek word as used by the LXX. here is found in Matt. 25:24, and there is rendered hard. Eastons 1897 Bible Dictionary Encyclopedia Britannica Encyclopedia CHURL the free peasant who formed the basis of society in Anglo-Saxon England. His free status was marked by his right to bear arms, his attendance at local courts, and his payment of dues directly to the king. His wergild, the sum that his family could accept in place of vengeance if he were killed, was valued at 200 shillings. Nineteenth-century scholars often represented the ceorl as the typical peasant labourer in a kind of Anglo-Saxon democracy. Actually, he was a member of a peasant elite that was gradually extinguished between the 7th and 12th centuries. A few ceorls prospered and attained the rank of thane (a free retainer, or lord, corresponding, after the Norman Conquest, to the position of baron or knight), but most were driven, first by economic pressure and later by the Norman Conquest, into the class of unfree VILLEINS. The word ceorl came to denote a DEPRESSED AND SUBJECT PEASANT and, by the 14th century, was used as a PEJORATIVE. (KJV-King James Version-1769 Cambridge Edition) Isaiah 32: 7 The instruments also of the CHURL are EVIL: he deviseth WICKED devices to DESTROY the poor with LYING words, even when the needy speaketh right. (KJV-King James Version-1769 Cambridge Edition) 2 John 1: 7 For many DECEIVERS are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a DECEIVER and an ANTICHRIST. (KJV-King James Version-1769 Cambridge Edition) 1 John 4: 3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of ANTICHRIST, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and EVEN NOW ALREADY is it in the world. CHURLISH Lexicon :: Strongs H7186 - qasheh קָשֶׁה Transliteration qasheh Pronunciation kä•sheh (Key) Part of Speech adjective Root Word (Etymology) From קָשָׁה (H7185) Dictionary Aids Outline of Biblical Usage I. hard, cruel, severe, obstinate A. hard, difficult B.severe C.fierce, intense, vehement D.stubborn, stiff of neck, stiff-necked E.rigorous (of battle) KJV Translation Count — Total: 36x The KJV translates Strongs H7186 in the following manner: stiffnecked (with H6203) (6x), hard (5x), roughly (5x), cruel (3x), grievous (3x), sore (2x), CHURLISH (1x), hardhearted (1x), heavy (1x), misc (9x). Yea…I think that about sums it up!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 08:01:32 +0000

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