+++CHRISTIAN THOUGHTS AND PRACTICES WITH OUR MESSIANIC JEWISH OHANA(FAMILY) Today, marks a very serious remembrance for this most tenacious troublesome world of the Jewish HOLOCAUST. Although, the ignorant masses of this world are being propagandized for its non-existence during the Second World War. My father had told me; his most dreadful horrors, of delivering these frail gentle people, from a stench filled wretched camps. My fathers PTDS, of many awaken nightmares for which my mother(a former nurse), would comfort him, from those mental scares of human indignancies upon another; were the cruelest he had ever known to exist. The worlds silence, to reverence a moment in prayer, for the six million Jews, lost in the most despicable act, of the worst hatred on prejudicial genocide. Israels Motto of Never Again, becomes a spiritual resolve growing exponentially from a gentle people, being usurped, abused, scorned, outcast, persecuted and the their list of evil done to them, since their existence; unsurpassed any racial or national existence in Human History! Their Present Nation, is foremost Unprecedented, where many Empires have fallen, lost forever in no remembrance! Presently, this troublesome world is reengaging, these awful Lies of hatred, being perpetuated, in every corner of this fallen world. A more dreadful Fourth Reich, emerges from the heap of its filthy ashes; building Israels ODDS against her and her Christian family. Now rallied to support her. Becomes a part of the next ragging and final campaign, to rid Gods Truth and His people from this fallen world, He created out of LOVE! Israels Military Vibrancy is rising immensely. Her military soldiers are like King Davids and Queen Esthers growing with Godly purpose to defend Gods Holy Land that was promised to them ONLY! NEVER AGAIN, will their ancestors be subjected by the furious hatred spawned by Gods greatest nemesis Satan himself and his legions of falling beings on a conquest to use humanity to establish Satans objective. Man become god, to be independently glorified. This is what the Third World War is about, residually. The precursor of Gods final conflict against all ODDS. HE SHALL RETURN AND MAKE HIMSELF KNOWN UNTO THE WORLD TO ESTABLISH HIS MILLENNIUM KINGDOM REIGN to restore and sustain TRUE PEACE IN THE WORLD. Human Governments will cease forever! *MARANATHA* ALOHA!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 09:39:43 +0000

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