(COMING THE PRELIMINARY ARTICLES FOR PERPETUAL PEACE AMONG SOUTH SUDANS TEN STATES ) no treaty of peace shall be held valid in which there is tacitly reserved matter for a future wars ; otherwise a treaty would be only a truce , a suspension of hostilities ,but not peace , which means the end of all hostile , so much so that even to attach the word perpetual , to it is a dubious pleonasm, the causes for making future wars which are perhaps unknown to the contracting parties ) are without exception annihilated by the treaty of peace , even if the should be dug out of dusty documents by acute sleuthing , when one or both parties to a treaty of peace , being too exhausted to continue warring with each other , make a tacit reservation ( reservatio mentali) in regard to old Claims to be elaborated only ogre some more favorable opportunity in the future , the treaty is made in bad faith ,and we have an artifice worthy of the casuistry of a jesuit ; considered by itself it is beneath the dignity of a sovereigns , just as the readiness to in this kind of reasoning is unworthy of dignity of this country ; but if , in consequence of enlightened concepts of state craft , the glory of the state is placed in its continual aggrandizement a state is not , like the group which it occupies , a piece of property ( pandemonium ) , it is a society of men whom no one else has any right to command or to dispose except the state itself , it is a trunk with its own roots , but to incorporated it into another states , like a graft is to destroy its existence as a moral person , contradicts the idea of the original contact without which no right over a people can be conceived ;
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 14:19:15 +0000

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