#CONFESSION #Must read It may take 5 mins to read this,bt belive - TopicsExpress


#CONFESSION #Must read It may take 5 mins to read this,bt belive me it will defeniately give u a long lasting innovation!! GENERAL MISTAKE OF STUDENT IN KOTA,that can stop be from being an IITn Yeah I am not an IITian. I was once an IITJEE aspirant but wasn’t able to Crack JEE just because of some serious mistakes which I committed. This post is like a “list of blunders” committed by me. I brainstormed some mistakes I made and I hope you don’t repeat the same if you wanna be an IITian. It’s a dream of every science student to get into one of the best institutes in India i.e The IITs and it was my dream too. I committed some serious mistakes which I am regretting till today. I posted this article just for one reason i.e TO WARN YOU. Mistake No 1: I Never paid attention During High School (11 and 12) This was one of the biggest blunders I ever committed. I never paid attention to what teacher said. Actually my “Plan” was to focus on coaching class and attend regular school classes only for attendance. This proved to be really a bad decision and it backfired me. Why? Because the school teaches you the base. If you don’t pay attention in the class and directly go for coaching I think you won’t be able to gain anything as in coaching they follow HIGHER LEVEL. In school they prefer to stick to the lower level so that everyone’s understands the matter fast. The Do’s and Don’t Attend your school (11th and 12th regularly). Pay attention in the class and try to understand whatever teacher teaches. First Priority should be given to School and then Coaching. Give equal importance to Boards and JEE Never commit this mistake. Mistake No 2: Procrastinated a LOT Procrastination means postponing work for tomorrow. This quality exists in every human being. Of course it’s a bad quality. I was really “THE BEST” in procrastinating work. Although I have improved now but still working on it. I always postponed my work for tomorrow. This proved to be a major disaster. Procrastination was a major cause of me not getting selected in JEE. If I had been a little bit serious that time then I would have done something about it. But it’s already late, My Name is Manish and I am Not an IITian Cry . Remember this “Procrastination is not an IITians virtue. Do’s and Don’ts Don’t Procrastinate. Its of no use, believe me. Think practically, If you procrastinate and plan to study Calculus tomorrow then why not today. It’s the same thing as YOU HAVE TO DO IT ON ANY OTHER DAY. If you really procrastinate then here’s a tip which I follow and it really works. Suppose you have planned to study Kinematics today and as usual you are feeling lazy to study it. Just when a thought of postponing the work pops up in your mind, say this to yourself as LOUD as you can. “What’s the use of postponing yaar. You have to do it today or tomorrow. Instead of building extra pressure, why not finish it off today itself”. Say this loud and I am sure your will power will drag you to finish the work that day itself. {mosbanner:id=33,34,35,36} Mistake No 3: Didn’t study regularly An IITian quoted “Last minute preparations won’t work for IIT JEE. Start from the first day itself. For JEE study regularly minimum 3 to 4 hours and maximum, till you get tired and feel satisfied. I never studied regularly. I studied some 3 to 4 days a week that too not seriously. It’s like taking a daily dose of a tablet. If you miss even a single dose then it can really hurt your health. Dos and Don’ts. Study daily 7 days a week. Don’t miss out even a single day. Study minimum 3 to 4 hours a day. Although in a survey taken, all the IIT rankers study 7 hours a day on an average. Last minute preparations won’t work, so start from today. Mistake no 4: Didn’t work Hard and Took JEE for granted. Yeah I confess publicly that I didnt work hard for JEE. I took it for granted which as expected resulted failure in IIT JEE. Dos and Don’ts Work hard, Damn Hard and Never take anything for granted. Mistake No 5: Committed a Lot of Mistakes Yeah it’s quite a big list. But I have listed only some which are very important. Every Human Being commits mistakes, so I did the same. But learning from the mistakes is always appreciated. That’s what I do nowadays; I learn from my mistakes and try not to repeat them EVER. Dos and Don’ts Please don’t repeat these 5 mistakes. It will really hurt you. I am trying to discover and heal my pain within myself. When i think of those days..I really feel like rewinding back...to try it once again.....but its not possible..thats why i advice everyone to use this time which you get as it wont come back again. And I confess again “My Name is Manish and I am Not an IITian. Cry Admin aadi:- 1st time a useful confesion!! This is wat confession really means, I.e.. to inspire others no to repeat the mistakes by which confessor has suffered Please share this as much as u can! °•●aadi★
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 18:53:36 +0000

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