"CONSERVATIVES HATE THE WORKING AMERICANS They support only those - TopicsExpress


"CONSERVATIVES HATE THE WORKING AMERICANS They support only those in the upper 1% and laugh at the people that vote Republican that are not in the Country Club of 1%. Pay attention Seniors and Veterans the GOP really wants to see you living in the streets or just plain DIE so they can take over your benefits and add them to their own bank accounts From the Article: By the way this is the true GOP agenda They have used the filibuster in the Senate and the “Hastert Rule” in the House to obstruct almost everything We the People tried to do to make our lives better in the last several years. They have blocked bills to hire millions to fix the infrastructure. They blocked bills to remove the incentive to move jobs out of the country. They blocked further stimulus to get the economy going. They blocked efforts to fix immigration laws. They blocked the “public option.” They blocked nominees and judges. They have blocked … everything. Here’s the thing about this budget “standoff.” If Democrats or President Obama give in again, Social Security and Medicare will certainly be targets, sooner than later. What else? Things Republicans hate: #1 of all time: Social Security. #2 of all time: Medicare. Public schools. Environmental Protection. The Food and Drug Administration. The minimum wage. The eight-hour workday and the 40-hour workweek. Unions and the National Labor Relations Board – the right of workers to organize. The 47% of Americans who they say are “takers” and “moochers.” Anything other than fossil fuels to provide energy. This is not a complete list. Think of things Republicans hate, and then try to picture them not using hostage-taking to dismantle whatever you are thinking of."
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 04:30:24 +0000

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