***-CUPID & DESTINY-*** Chapter - - TopicsExpress


***-CUPID & DESTINY-*** Chapter - 2. ____________________________________________ Straight to Hitlers Cabin, Mehek Peeped In & Asked, May I come In sir..?? Busy with the pile of files he said, Yes, come in.. Thank You Sir... Saying this Mehek Entered Inside. Take Your Seat Mehek He said. Yea... thanku sir... She thanked him. So.... Why are you late miss. R.j...!!!??? He asked. Im sorry sirrrr..... its just that Im 5 minutes late...!! She answered. So.....??? You mean my 300 seconds are worthless for you, isnt it..!!?? He charged mehek. Nooooo Sir. I dont mean that....!! Mehek started giving lame. He Slapped The Table In Rage & Stood Up In Impulsive anger. Then.....??? What The hell do you wanna mean R.J.!!! That time has no value or what...??? He was getting hyper. Being feared Mehek left her chair hurriedly and started convincing her boss, Sir Im extremely sorry.... I Dont wanna mean that at all... I was going for Tea & in the mean time Shyam Jee Informed me that Ive been called by you Sir... Sir Im begging Sorry... Please Pardon Me...!!! Stop Talking Nonsense and keep Your Mouth Shut Mehek..!! Angrily he said. Mehek started sweating heavily. She was left with no words or can say she was no more allowed to apology for her mistake. Fisted hands she was standing helplessly. By not getting how to react further her eyes got filled with tears. In Choked & shaking voice she uttered, Sir Im very Sorry...!! Keep quite and sit down. Heres the tissue, wipe yours tears right now..! He Gave her some tissue papers. Mehek Took the tissue paper and kept her face down. She was trying hard not to show her watery eyes to that rude man. She dont wanna disclose her helpless side to anyone. On a side where whole city was enjoying her recording, there on the other side her tears rolled down just because she was 5 minutes late. Maybe this is called Destiny. Suddenly Mr. Hitler took out an envelope and placed it on table. Having a glance Mehek exclaimed, Sir..... What is this??? And why my name is written on it....??? Boss started laughing, Rub Your tears, cheer up And Look at me..... This is your first salary R.j. Mehek Avasthi.. These words of Mr. Hitler worked like perfect magic. Removing scarring dark clouds of fear, Relieved Smile took place on Meheks face instantly. Being extremely happy she grabbed the envelope, kissed it by dedication and said, Thank you very much sir.. I cannot resist my happiness... its the most precious rewards I could ever have.... With an affectionate smile, he said, Beta Mehek. You have earn it because you wholly deserve it... Being Overwhelmed, Tears came out of her eyes. One More Thing Mehek.. I do not have enough tissue paper, So will you please stop shedding your course of river Ganga... Hehehe Yes Ofcourse Sir.... She Said. Go & Enjoy. God Bless You Beta... He bless her. Thank You Sir.. and She the Cabin. Hurriedly She Rushed To Kanak. Opened the door of recording room she jumped towards Kanak & Hugged her tightly. Kanak - Hey What Happened.... Sir ne kya kaha...??? Mehek - Kanak..... I got my first salary..!! Kanak - Eew.. Congratulations Buddy..!! Mehek - Thankuuuuuuu Honey! Kanak - Lets go for tea, with some chota - mota treat.. Mehek - Ofcourse chaloooo madam.. but one thing yaar.... Kanak - Ab Kya....??? Mehek - Whatever..... But Boss Is Not Hitler type..... Hes Very Soft From Heart...!!! Kanak - Aaccchhaaw...!!! Burst Into Laugh, Both Of Them Went For Tea. Stay Tuned, Part - 3. -Tanushree ♥
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 06:35:00 +0000

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