(Carrie) Mr. Hoffman or whatever your name is, because Lord - TopicsExpress


(Carrie) Mr. Hoffman or whatever your name is, because Lord knows youve used two different first names and two different Face Book accounts to post on this page and two different e mails to send us mails to my G Mail account I have set up for this cause. I have read the series of emails you have sent us over the past few months. First you approached us on the Frank Andrews issue. When we gave you the information you requested, you told us you spoke to your First Sergeant and your commander and the issue was closed (which was highly inaccurate at the time) Then you told us not to write back to you because it will be considered harassment. Im going to address this here being that you threatened to press harassment charges if we sent you anymore emails after you wrote to us (not the other way around). I would also like to add that your readdressing of this page and my email account makes any claim of our alleged harassment null and void and is quite laughable at best. Anyhow, here you are again emailing us and posting onto our wall. Did you think we were too stupid to not remember who you are? If youre going to use different names, at least change your LAST name in the email and Face Book accounts you are using. So ... Who is doing the harassing? We do not condone violence against WBC and the opinions of the page followers do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the admins here on this page. What we condone is peaceful countermeasures. Not violence. Since you claim to be military then you should also understand that we have the right to our opinion. If people on this page (again which may or may NOT be the opinions of our admins) think the Westboro Baptist Church are terrorists... then thats their right to believe that. Now, I am going to ban you from this page. AGAIN... and that is all we have to say to you. The solution to the problem is simple. If you do not like what we are doing. Get your creeping ass OFF of our page and STOP EMAILING ME!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 15:35:15 +0000

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