#Cars of the future may have to be redesigned to accommodate the - TopicsExpress


#Cars of the future may have to be redesigned to accommodate the #obesity #epidemic, according to the resident “futurologist” at Ford Motor Company, the US car giant. Sheryl Connelly, who works in Ford’s “global consumer trends and futuring” department in Detroit, helping the company to adapt to big consumer changes, said the industry needs to prepare for humans growing in size. The Food Doctor says there’s one thing we know for sure from this article and that’s if you are going to eat #junkfood regularly then your insides will soon be needing a big spring clean. All that saturated fat, salt and sugar along with all those artificial ingredients can just cause havoc to your gut. The lack of fresh food and fibre can leave you feeling all bunged up, tired and toxic. Time for a #cleanse The first steps back to a better body would include our recommendation of cutting all the junk food out of your diet. Ditch all that confectionary and those crisps for fresh vibrant fruits and vegetables. These are packed full of life enhancing nutrients such as vitamins and minerals which can help bring your body back to life! Turn down the French fries and replace with plentiful servings of whole grains and pulses such as brown rice, wholewheat pasta, lentils and pulses. All that added fibre will help to get your bowel movements regular and of the right consistency again. Maintaining regular healthy bowel movements is essential to remove waste substances and toxins from the body. Many people experience more energy and a sense of general well-being after cleaning their bowel out. For those who don’t consume enough fibre in their diet, psyllium husk is a gentle fibre supplement known to absorb much more water than other fibres and improve gut transit (the speed at which waste material travels through your digestive system). Top up on probiotics Having a balanced gut flora is also important to ensure healthy regular bowel movements. You can bet your bottom dollar that while eating a diet full of junk food your levels of good gut probiotics have started to take a tumble. Supplementing with probiotics and increasing natural yoghurt in your diet can help give your probiotic levels a boost. Studies show that probiotics help to increase bowel movements by up to 50 per cent. These friendly bacteria also help to protect gut cells, boost immunity and they also make B-vitamins which get absorbed into the body helping to ensure a constant supply of energy, preventing fatigue.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 07:20:01 +0000

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