[Chapter 75: frauds and the avenger of the ketsu oni (part - TopicsExpress


[Chapter 75: frauds and the avenger of the ketsu oni (part 1/2) Okko was in the gates now it was to move under the lord of the southern pandemonium, he had to gain his acceptance and hopefully he would be able to , a quick thought slipped his mind what happens if the lord said no , hmmm.... Ill just have to eavesdrop from the outer gaurds oh well this will be fun... He said He would walk around and find a bird bringing it back he would simply use a technique called blood transfusion on the bird in which ,he would be able take control of nerves and movements before the bird dies... After using the technique to control the bird,he sat down closing his eyes and then found himself later in the birds body controlling it he took no wasted time and fluttered out of the window ... He circled the palace a couple times finding blind spots between gaurd towers and the looking at the main palace , he thought heavily guarded, heavy infantry, and multiple high standing accountants , the bird land near the window which okko was controlling eavesdropping in top secret conversation... He heard easily what was going on and listened there having a council meeting soon ,and ren isnt attending ...this should be easy without lord rens approval , but Ill have some fun before shu gets ready for war he thought ... As he thought the bird began to die , it started having seizures and as if it were possessed its head turned until its neck broke then dropped out of the window seal Myan, yakuza... present yourself ,iv found intel based on the fortress...okko said as myan and yakuza entered the room Yakuza spoke OK , whats up Theres blind spots within the north eastern tower and the south western tower , they have heavy infantry but I will to find away to slip in under rens trust if we do this we will have an opening and a happy way home .... Iv also accumulated enough Intel to know that the officials are having a council meeting , ren wont be attending so listen up closely ... The plan is once we get inside the walls we will go to the council room before the meeting starts ,they only have candles to light the room and itll be at midnight so itll be dark ... Once the members of the council least expect it we bomb the room with smoke bombs and assassinate all the associates in the council ... So get ready we will get ready by tomorrow to gain the trust of ren , by that time ... We will be able to get to the assassination point in time ... Okko explained as the others listened both myan and yakuza saying OK after he finished the plan After that all three went off to bed and resting for tomorrow and the big day after it... (1 day later) Okko and the others were up and were exceeding towards the castle the gaurds met them at the gates as okko quickly said we would like to be the gaurds of the inner castle me and my comrade are skilled warriors we are strong and loyal and we will protect his lordship during anytime he said convincingly to the gaurds as they walked the three to rens palace chair As, they stood in front of ren and Lee okko gave three fake but convincing identities your lordship I have come to prove my self and my fellow comrads to be able to protect your in inner walls as palace gaurds we stand strong and loyal I and master nobunaru The single armed being is wauru And the one in the robes is bushi Please except us as your loyal and trusted gaurds All of them dropped to there knees and bowed ( Arrow Strife I need you to play ren and Lee) {I know I used this photo three times but its the only perfect one I have at the moment}
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 01:14:12 +0000

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