Charter Schools only accept 4% of the students but get 10% of - TopicsExpress


Charter Schools only accept 4% of the students but get 10% of the school money ... leaving traditional schools with 96% of the students but only 90% of the money. If any children start to fail at the charter school, that charter school can expel the failing student to make their numbers on standardized tests look better. We need to make public schools accessible to all, we need to improve the quality of education for all & we need to make sure regular schools dont get the short end of the stick at the expense of the charter schools. If the US Congress voted for ballot initiatives to be made available to voters in all states (like NY .. about 15 years ago the Democratic Party led State Assembly voted AGAINST letting New Yorkers have the right to put ballot initiatives on the ballot, like California & Colorado (& Washington State & Massachusetts & ...) have). If there were a ballot initiative & it asked questions to voters about the future of traditional schools & charter schools - what questions do you want asked & how would you vote? I know, when elected I will make public schools better than private schools. A committee to write up an action plan within 1 year to make public schools better than private schools & implementation of this plan within 2 years. Limit class size to 17 a class max. Build more classrooms & hire more teachers. Hire more career counselors. Fund the Briggs-Myers career test 1x a year. Limit the number of standardized tests each year. Apprentice schools, so if parents & students want to learn careers like electrician or plumber then can. College prep high schools that include SAT prep & filling out the college app prep help. Making available to students the ability to get real world experience while in high school (like summer internships). More after school clubs & more after school sports. We can look at the calendar - do we want to add 4 weeks to each school year then students get to graduate in 11th grade & get to have learned more & done more by that June of their 11th grade by extending the school year 4 more weeks into the summer each year. We need to put everything on the table & we need to look at every available option when it comes to the urgent task we have of improving the quality of education for the children.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 06:05:12 +0000

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