#Chemistry ********Read To Bed********* What Is an - TopicsExpress


#Chemistry ********Read To Bed********* What Is an Oxidation-Reduction or Redox Reaction? Oxidation involves an increase in oxidation number, while reduction involves a decrease in oxidation number. Usually the change in oxidation number is associated with a gain or loss of electrons, but there are some redox reactions (e.g., covalent bonding) that do not involve electron transfer. Depending on the chemical reaction, oxidation and reduction may involve any of the following for a given atom, ion, or molecule: Oxidation - involves the loss of electrons or hydrogen OR gain of oxygen OR increase in oxidation state Reduction - involves the gain of electrons or hydrogen OR loss of oxygen OR decrease in oxidation state Example of an Oxidation Reduction Reaction The reaction between hydrogen and fluorine is an example of an oxidation-reduction reaction: H2 + F2 → 2 HF The overall reaction may be written as two half- reactions: H2 → 2 H + 2 e (the oxidation reaction) F2 + 2 e → 2 F (the reduction reaction) There is no net change in charge in a redox reaction so the excess electrons in the oxidation reaction must equal the number of electrons consumed by the reduction reaction. The ions combine to form hydrogen fluoride: H2 + F2 → 2 H + 2 F → 2 HF Importance of Redox Reactions Oxidation-reduction reactions are vital for biochemical reactions and industrial processes. The electron transfer system in cells and oxidation of glucose in the human body are examples of redox reactions. Redox reactions are used to reduce ores to obtain metals, to produce electrochemical cells, to convert ammonia into nitric acid for fertilizers, and to coat compact discs. .....
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 19:37:51 +0000

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