*Chuckles* You guys are all great, you know that? Everyone has - TopicsExpress


*Chuckles* You guys are all great, you know that? Everyone has been posting such heart-rendering, tear-jerking Reflection posts since Sunday, to the point where it would be a faux pas for me NOT to post a little something something. Well, since I finally have access to a lab top now, Ill have my say. Everyone. Staff, fellow Cast members, Media Team... how can I express into words the utter thrill, and satisfaction I have felt ever since joining the Grand Brony Gala since last March? Never before have I worked together with such a large group of wonderful, talented folks on such an amazing project for such a benevolent cause. Every event, whether a rehearsal, fundraising event, or the Gala itself, has been an experience I will treasure always, the good, and the bad. I can honestly say that everything about the Gala has been a new experience for me. As I will be the first to admit, I am a quiet, reclusive soul; I dont dance, I dont sing much, I dont party hard. All I ask from my social life is someone to talk to each day, some laughs and tears, maybe exchange the odd favor, and hanging out together every blue moon. Not much, in the grand scheme. So participating in a huge convention where hundreds, if not thousands of people attend with a team of over 30-40 people was, and frankly still is, a new, alien, yet very much welcomed experience. I thank everyone who has been kind, patient, and understanding to timid little me. You will never be forgotten. While I feel conflicted about applauding the certain cast members closest, and most important to the Gala & I, at the expense of neglecting others, I do have a handful I would like to mention. If I dont mention you, I apologize, but remember that I can always compliment you later. You havent been forgotten either, and I do not hesitate to g To Arlene VonderPorten Jacobs, Jessica Elaine Jacobs, & Omi Obsidian: You three are simply amazing people. In under 9 or so months, you brought together a team of 40 or so people, disorganized as we might have been, and got us together to pull off one of the biggest, and frankly best examples of what conventions should be. Maybe things didnt always go our way, but since when has life been as neat and pretty as Friendship is Magic portrays? You three devoted so much time into the convention, poured your hearts and souls into this whole event, and that is truly admirable. I look forward to working with you three again. To Bryan Rosander, Michael Nolan, Brawny Buck, Chloe Hatfield, & Tony: There were many people who acted as authority figures at the Gala, who people looked to when things went array. And when things went smoothly, they were in part because of you five. Everyone donated their time, effort, and energy into the Gala, whether it was organizing the fundraising, providing security detail, acting as head photographer, hosting more panels than is necessarily healthy, and overall being a true leader. Without you guys, the Gala wouldnt have been as successful as it was, and for that I thank you. To Will Clark, Brandon Wilde, & Ashley Eshlay Tillman: You three are true good friends. You helped me out when it counted, lifted up spirits when they were down, and organized much of the finer details of the Gala. You three know your business, and have a true knack for making friends. You all have special gifts that everyone can admire, and imitate. You all are gems. To Andy Tekampe, Grace Conyac, Reanna Rundell, Katherine Ashburn, Nick Derosa, Devon Michaeli, Savannah Moore, Jessica Hale, Rae Stanton: Although our time together may have been short, and concerned the business of the Gala more than pleasure, all of you are lovely, hard-working, intelligent people that I would love to work with again, hang around with, and strengthen the bonds of friendship. I feel we can really benefit from further collaboration, and thats a fact. Oh, and Elora Czaia! We never did get around to running that Pinkie Pie Bakery Stand together! Such a shame, I do love cooking bake goods, and if you want, we can always invite a few friends together for a big baking party! Does that sound like fun? And to everyone else I failed to mention, again, thank you for the experience of working together. I hope we may do so again in the near future. Until then, let us run together into a better, brighter tomorrow. - MK
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 00:11:09 +0000

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