Coach Melissas powerful Goal article for her clients: NAME - TopicsExpress


Coach Melissas powerful Goal article for her clients: NAME SOME COMMON GOALS: I would say most of those goals are Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timely SMART GOALS! Smart goals are terrific. They are absolutely a terrific first step when setting goals. The problem is most people stop at that. If you stop there your selling yourself short!! ANALYTICAL GOALS ARE SMART! But analytical isn’t going to get you out of bed in the morning raring to go! Specific, measurable, attainable,relevant,and timely goals are NOT going to drive you when the workout gets hard. SMART goals are not going to make your heart race and bring tears to your eyes. It wont force you to take MASSIVE ACTION and changes in your life. Story: lady who wants to lose weight single Woman with 3 small children. Always over weight. Mother and father were over weight. Her children were over weight. The unhealthy lifestyle she was living was harming her and she needed some help. She needed to lose 100lb! That was her smart goal, but that number was just a number. The scale didn’t drive her success. The emotion behind the WHAT the weight being off would MEAN to her that drove her. Why did she want to lose 100lb? Health, vanity, yes, yes, all very good reasons. BUT the WHY that made her cry?? SO THAT she can play with her kids! POWERFUL!! DRIVEN GOALS!!! WHAT IS YOUR GOAL?? BIG DREAM AND GOALS ARE OFTEN TIMES NEVER PERUSED OR ALLOWED TO BE THOUGHT OF BECAUSE WE DONT ALLOW OURSELVES TO THINK OF THEM. WE SOMETIMES SET, SMALL MEANINGLESS GOALS BECAUSE WE THINK ITS WHAT IS EXPECTED OF US. EX: SOCIETY SAYS THAT WOMAN SHOULD LOOK A CERTAIN WAY, THEREFOR I MUST LOSE WEIGHT AND “TONE UP” WHEN DEEP THOUGHT, AND ASKING QUESTIONS WE MAY FIND THE GOAL MAY ACTUALLY BE, TO BUILD SELF ESTEEM TO LOVE MYSELF WHERE I AM. TO WORK OUT TO RELIEVE STRESS AND ANXIETY. SO, WE NEED TO: FACE YOUR FEARS ACTION STEPS: Fast forward your life by five years. Dream what life looks like. CLAIM victory over fear. Surrender a fear. ex. write it on a stone and throw it in the ocean, or put it on a paper and bury it under a bush. Check your fear dividend, whats the real pay off for my fear? Face the thief. HONOR YOUR DEEPEST LONGINGS ACTION STEPS: Begin to dream again. Adapt the best practices of those with similar dreams Keep moving forward DONT EVER GIVE UP ACTION STEPS: Check your motives Surround yourself with friends who can speak the truth to you yet are unwaveringly supportive and encouraging. Practice staying power. Practice with small less dramatic such as paying bills on time, etc. Give up the “instant replay” in your mind. Try something new. EXPECT MIRACLES ACTION STEPS: Write out a bottom-line in your finances. Overcome a negative attitude. Live in daily gratitude See miracles all around you. Lets dream a bit, take a moment to think these questions.... REFLECTIONS: IF YOU WERE FREE FROM ALL YOUR FEARS... IF YOU TRULY HAD DISCOVERED THE BENEFITS AND JOY OF EXHALING.. IF YOU HONORED YOUR DEEPEST LONGINGS.. IF YOU KNEW FOR SURE THAT YOU WOULD PERSEVERE TO THE END OF THE RACE.. IF YOU WERE HEALED OF THE WOUNDS IN YOUR PAST AND DETERMINED TO USE THOSE EXPERIENCES TO BENEFIT YOUR LIFE. IF YOU WERE IN THE HABIT OF ALWAYS EXPECTING MIRACLES.. IF YOU HAD LOVINGLY FORGIVEN YOURSELF AND EVERYONE WHO EVER HURT YOU-AND YOU KNEW THAT YOU HAD BEEN FORGIVEN UNCONDITIONALLY IF YOUR WERE IN THE HABIT OF EATING DESSERT FIRST, OF ENJOYING LIFE TO THE FULLEST.. WHAT PASIONATE, LIVE BIG, DREAM WOULD YOU PURSUE?? TAKE A MOMENT TO DO THIS: WRITE IT ALL DOWN. DREAM. Now that you have begun to dream again, lets get down to the nitty gritty. WHY? You have a BIG DREAM! You have an idea of some goals you would like to achieve in your life... That one question asked over and over is powerful. WHY?? Give examples in my life. Joined gym to lose weight, didnt need to lose weight had body image issues started taking group fitness classes prompted into teaching scared to teach because of body image issues decided to do it and help other woman like me lead to training WHY?? Role play or write down the why of the dream and goal. Now that we have our specific goals and the why behind them we may begin achieving them. HERES HOW!!! STEP 1: MENTAL STREGNTH: Take time at the beginning of your day, to strengthen your mind. This for me requires several steps and about 45min of my time. Read a success book: In order to be successful, I must learn how others have done it. All successful people read. It is a proven fact. The wise words of others sink into our very being and resonate with our soul. That is a lasting power and tool for success. Visualize your WHY! Vision boards, key words, pictures, what ever it is you want. It needs to be in front of you at all times. Blast your life with these images and focus on them every morning and throughout the day! “You must first see clearly a thing in your mind before you can do it.” - Alex Morrison Meditation. Whether you are a spiritual person or not, spending time in the quite clearing your mind not only better helps you focus on your goals, but has numerous benefits. THINK POSITIVE: As the day passes write down things that make you smile. Things that your grateful for, things that you appreciate. Choose words that will point you in the direction of your goals. STEP 2: SURROND YOURSELF WITH LIKE MINDED PEOPLE: Choose to be around people who will build you up. Help you achieve your goal. Keep you focused. Life is full of people who tear us down, stress us out. If your choosing to have those people in your inner-circle your choosing to not achieve your goal. Sacrifice is a part of achieving and some people in our lives do not need to be there, they are takers of our energy, and it is time to release them. STEP 3: TAKE ACTION: Write down specific steps that it will take to achieve your goal. Step by step begin to DO IT!! ex to clean the house I write down all the action steps I need to do, wash tup, mop floor, ect. Am I willing to do whatever it takes to achieve this goal? If your answer is, Ill do just about anything, except that I wont do ____, then frankly, youre not committed. STEP 4: GET UNCOMFORTABLE: If you want to be successful, you must be willing to be uncomfortable, to do things that you are afraid to do STEP 5: DONT STOP: Get the idea of quitting out of your mind! It is not an option!! Don’t let anyone or any circumstance get in your way: “I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.” - Charles Swindoll “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 23 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shots and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over in my life. And that is why I succeed”~ Michael Jordan “One person with a commitment is worth more than 100 people who have only an interest.” - Mary Crowley THAT IS IT! THERE IS NO MAGIC TO IT TO SUM UP HERE ARE YOUR STEPS FIND YOUR WHY, YOUR PURPOSE, YOUR GOAL PRACTICE MENTAL STRENGTH THROUGH, BOOKS, VISUALIZATION, MEDITATION, POSITIVE THINKING SURROUND YOURSELF WITH LIKE MINDED THINKERS TAKE ACTION!!! DONT SIT AROUND! GET UNCOMFORTABLE DONT STOP!! Melissa Urmetz NASM CPT/Fitness Instructor revtraining/ https://advocare/13087214/MemberHome.aspx
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 12:55:12 +0000

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