(Col 1:15-20 ) He is the image of the invisible God - born of - TopicsExpress


(Col 1:15-20 ) He is the image of the invisible God - born of all creation, for in him were all things created that are in heaven , and what on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions , or principalities, or powers . All through him and for him was created. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together . He is the Head of the Body - the Church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that he has gained priority over everything else . it pleased the / God / that in him dwelleth all the fullness , and through him to reconcile to himself all through him - and what on earth and what is in heaven , making peace by the blood of his cross . ( Ps 100,1-5 ) CHORUS : Stand with joy before the Lord Sing to the LORD , all the earth , Serve the Lord with gladness ! Stand before the Lord with shouts of joy . Know that the Lord is God; He made us , we are His property , His people, the sheep of his pasture . In his gates enter his with thanksgiving , of hymns in his atria , praise and bless his name . For the Lord is good, His mercy endures forever; and His faithfulness through the generations. (John 8:12) I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will have the the light of life . (Luke 5,33-39 ) Then they said to him the disciples of John fast and a lot of prayers celebrate , as disciples of the Pharisees , but your eating and drinking . Jesus said unto them, Can the wedding guests urge to post , while the bridegroom is with them? But the time will come when you take them young , and then, in those days , they fasted . He also told them parable No one sews on an old garment as patches of what clear of the new , otherwise , and new tears, and with the new patch does not give to the old . No one new wine into old bottles: otherwise the new wine will burst the skins , and itself spilled, and the wineskins they fail . But new wine must be poured into new bottles . Who having drunk old wine , does not want to then young - he says, The old is better. comment Conversion is not a matter of the acquisition of certain external forms and systematic rituals . Christianity is a religion life: the gestures and signs must express the inner disposition . celebrating Eucharist , the desire to renew daily making their life in the sacrifice of obedience to God the Father . If this does not happen , we internally torn : our life will be held next our religion , just as though God did not exist . Fr . Jaroslaw Januszewski , " Oremus "
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 08:49:31 +0000

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