‘Come to me all ye labour and are heavy laden and I will give - TopicsExpress


‘Come to me all ye labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest!’ (Jesus Christ) Go to Him for forgiveness. He has come into the world to deal with its greatest problem, human sinfulness and rebellion against its creator. He has taken the guilt of our sin to Himself and so has suffered under its load – not for His own wickedness, for He had none, but for ours. Receive that peace which they know whose sins have been forgiven by Jesus Christ. Go to him for the protection of everything that is yours. Does that sound strange? But there was a man who once had an axe-head retrieved when it had fallen into the water. Remember how the shoes of the Israelites did not wear out in the desert. God rules also in the material things of the world, and does He not tell us to ask Him for daily bread? Go to Him when you know that death draws near. He is the Resurrection and the Life. He has felt the sting of death and tasted its bitterness in a way that we who trust in Him shall never know. He has warmed the bed of death by lying in that tomb for three days. Death is not cold and fearful to those who have gone to Jesus Christ. Go to Him, for He has all the resources of heaven and earth at His command. Compare that with what man has to offer you. Jesus can help in any need. By His power you can ford any river, cross any mountain and bear any burden. You can do everything He asks of you with the strength which He supplies. By Him you can forgive seventy times seven. By Him you can love your enemies. By Him you can turn the other cheek when men smite you. If it’s hope you need, you will find it in Him. If it’s patience you pray for, you’ll receive it from Jesus. If gentleness is your longing, then the fullness of gentleness is found in Jesus Christ. His resources are never exhausted. If the whole world should go to Him, He could cope. Go, then, to Him. Go to Him, for He is accessible always. Wherever and whenever you need Him, He is there. ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you’, He says. He is never indifferent to our condition, never annoyed that we are troubling Him again, never untouched by our pain, and never too preoccupied with other things. He won’t mock us, nor turn us away. Instead, He invites us to come to Him, and He promises us rest. Go, then, to Him! To whom else can you go?
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 09:02:00 +0000

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