“Communism” is not a “problem” for America This next - TopicsExpress


“Communism” is not a “problem” for America This next part of our broadcast is “Communism” is not a “problem” for America. America doesn’t have any aversion to doing business with communist nations; she does business with China; in fact, China is one of the greatest trading partners of America! If Wal-Mart wouldn’t go to China to get products, maybe Wal-Mart would not be the strong corporate entity that she is. So many business people from America are having their products produced in China. America, you don’t have a problem with China’s communism, that it stops you from doing business. You also fought Vietnam, and they prevailed; they drove you out. Now it’s one nation—not “North” and “South.” But aren’t you there? Don’t you have those who fought in Vietnam going back to the areas where they fought now with “friendship”? Don’t you have Vietnamese that you brought from South Vietnam, and they are citizens of America; but they love their country: Aren’t they here? And even though Russia now has voting, and the appearance of some democratic processes, it still has a strong communist political presence! So if America has no problems with “friendship,” and doing business and trading with communist nations—but 90 miles from America is a nation called Cuba… Cuba The Spaniards who were apart of The Criminal Enterprise of The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade brought many Africans to Cuba; as the Portuguese brought many Africans to South America, particularly Brazil! Why, then, are you so upset with Cuba, that you would blockade Cuba for 54 years? Cuba has been under the “withering heat” of America’s blockade and hatred of Castro and his Cuba. What did Mr. Castro do that makes you hate him so? Let us see! What is it about “Socialism” in Cuba that makes Cuba persona non grata [“an unwelcomed person”] for America for all these years? Hiding “The Black Reality” is part of The White Strategy of “Supremacy According to the demographics of The Original People in Cuba: They say about 68 percent of the Cuban people are “Black” and “Mulatto”—maybe more. I have discovered in my travels throughout the world that hiding “The Black Reality” is part of The White Strategy of “Supremacy.” The Original people in Egypt; Syria; Cuba; Saudi Arabia; and Argentina were all people of color. But when they send their representative of the ruling party to America as Ambassadors they send “White” representatives of their people. They do this so that it hides the reality of the indigenous people of their land. I did not know that were many Black Syrians until I went to Syria. I did not know that there were so many Black Palestinians until I went to Palestine now called Israel and my Hebrew Israelite Brothers walked with me and we talked to Palestinians and I asked them, “How long have you and your people been here?” He can’t even tell you how long because it has been that long… “Sanctions” Well the point is our people are there in Cuba; they live there. So under America’s blockade and sanction, my brothers and sisters, as well as other human beings, are suffering! “Sanctions” does that. And why do you do it, America? You do it to force the people to do something that pleases you—and that is to overthrow the government that you are sanctioning. So you make the people suffer; and this is what you’re doing to Iran! This is what you’re doing to North Korea! This is what you do to any nation that does not bow to your will! A fight ensues between The Lovers of Darkness and The Lovers of God’s Light Know that when God chose Moses, that didn’t “end the suffering” of The Children of Israel, because when Moses delivered The Message to Pharaoh, Pharaoh and his people increased the evil against The Children of Israel. So don’t think because Truth has come, that Falsehood would just “disappear immediately”—a fight ensues between The Lovers of Darkness and The Lovers of God’s Light! Before Castro, Cuba was a “playground” for the wealthy of America “What did Castro do?” In this brief look at Cuba before Castro, Cuba was a “playground” for the wealthy of America; a “gangland paradise,” as you saw in the movie The Godfather; and it was a paradise for American companies and those who were the “big business” men and woman. But the Black man in Cuba was considered “nothing”—as he is in every society, dominated by so-called well-meaning White people. So the church might be well meaning in Latin America but it never changes the condition of the peasants and that is a liberation theology came out of that area because the people are enslaved by religion and the false teaching in religion. So what did Castro do? The Babylonian Talmud instructs Jewish people that there are three things they have to have in order to be a “man”: 1) You must have land, or “real estate”; 2) You must have cash; 3) You must have those who will work your land. If you own land, then you must have those that work the land, since you don’t work the land—you are “the owner.” So the Talmud makes the Jews to have a “covenant relationship” with the land, mainly the land called “Israel” or “Palestine,” which maybe we’ll touch in next week’s broadcast. So when Fidél Castro rose to power, not as a “White man,” but as a mestizo—a “White”-looking man, but of color, who felt the pain of the common man of Cuba: When he overthrew Fulgencio Batista, he instituted agrarian land reform, and nationalized land and business! And 90 percent of the Jewish people that were on the island of Cuba left Cuba, and came to Florida, and other parts of America—but mainly Florida! And there, the hatred of Castro took palpable form. Not only did these Jewish Cubans regain wealth and power, they became so powerful that politicians now needing the votes of Florida in the Electoral College: None of these politicians want to do that which would “anger” those in Florida, nor do they wish to help establish a better relationship with Cuba! All Central America, and South America, is awake now; and they are angry with America not only because of your treatment of them, but because of your treatment of Cuba! And if you want “friendship” with South America and Central America, you’re going to have to adjust your policy toward Cuba! ~The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 05:27:45 +0000

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