[Compilation of BEAST thoughtful and good deeds] 1. A story about - TopicsExpress


[Compilation of BEAST thoughtful and good deeds] 1. A story about giving hope to a 13 year old girl fighting cancer The popular idol group leading the KPOP fever, BEAST, had gifted a genuine smile to a 13 year old girl fighting cancer named Seohyun (alias). Seohyun, who had been suffering with pain had fought through chemotherapy and found hope in her life through BEAST’s gift. An unfamiliar post titled ‘story of inspiration’ started to appear on BEAST’s official cafe during the month of June. One person who had introduced him/herself as a evangelist posted on the official cafe with a post titled, “Please save 13 year old Seohyun who is currently fighting cancer.” At that time, Seohyun was receiving her 3rd chemotherapy session at the National Cancer Center. The person who had started the post wrote, “The beautiful Seohyunie now doesn’t even look at the mirror because she doesn’t have any hair and she doesn’t even take off her hat in her bed. Her lips are so dried up that it is difficult for her to talk and she lost a lot of weight since she doesn’t eat much. I’m in sadness whenever she asked me why she has to endure all this pain. If anything can encourage her, it would be BEAST. She wants BEAST’s signatures.” ♥♥♥♥ The gift BEAST oppa’s sent me!!!!! ♥ haha It’s really BEAST oppas♥♥♥ Doojoon oppa ♥ Yoseob oppa ♥ wrote letters for me ♥ Other oppas signed for me too! ♥♥ They actually signed some clothes and poster!!!!!♥ 5 CDs and 4 photo books with BEAST oppas photos it’s so thick too! 6 clear files and 50 copies of photos kekeke and the clothes are a poncho ♥♥♥♥ I’m so happy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Fans who saw this post started to share it so that the members could see it. Then, BEAST has genuinely sent a gift to Seohyun right afterwards. Signed CD was for sure, but they had even added a photo book and personally written letters. It was a small thing, but it was such a big gift for Seohyun. Seohyun wrote a message to her friends saying, “It’s actually the BEAST oppas. Doojoon and Yoseob oppa wrote me letters and the other oppas signed for me. I’m really happy.” In addition, the person who had posted said through a phone call with Sports World, “Seohyun was having a really hard time with chemotherapy especially since she hit her rebellious time. But, she was the happiest when she received the gift from BEAST and afterwards she started to think positively. Thanks to BEAST she finished her chemotherapy treatments at the center and will be returning home to finish up her treatments.” To this good deed, BEAST’s management Cube Entertainment commented carefully, “We just did what we were supposed to do and it’s really overwhelming to find out the world knows of it now.” They also added, “Not only this, but I know that the fans are also doing good deeds. BEAST members are touched by the fans and they are trying their best no matter what they do.” 2. Saying “Dokdo Island is Korean land” (T/N: This controversy has a very long history on it’s own. The Japanese has been arguing for ages that Dokdo Island belongs to them when it is Korean land) Sadly all the video has been deleted now ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Ah I saw it long time ago somewhere ㅠㅠ You can pretty much think of it like a video filmed like 2NE1 TV It wasn’t like a variety show, but some self program.. I believe it was that. Ah my memory is like poop.. Anyways when BEAST was just on some Japanese program they went to the camera I think it was Yoon Doojoon and Yang Yoseob for sure Yoon Doojoon: @#@$%$# Yes, who does Dokdo Island belong to? Yang Yoseob: Uh, Dokdo Island, Dokdo is for sure Korean land. Yes, it belongs to the Republic of Korea!! kekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke Something along those lines.. Please comment if anyone gets the video clip haha;; Anyways In Japan you can make so much more over in there than what you can make in Korea I wonder how many idols there are who can say something like Dokdo belongs to Korea so confidently.. Mhm.. 3. Heo Youngsaengnim – Compliments BEAST’s manners youtube/watch?v=FgqT46oNVco&feature=player_embedded link to the video! +) 4. Refusing to wear a kimono (Japanese traditional dress) When they visited Japan. the Japanese people asked BEAST to wear a kimono, but BEAST politely refused. +) 5. Currently, BEAST gained a lot of popularity and even though they could get arrogant, this is what the members say at the solo concert: “Our break time was so long that we worried that all of our fans left us and we suffered through nightmares every night with the uncertainty of the album responses.” They thought about what fans meant to them and they said fans were who made their dreams come true. “Even though we won’t be able to make the your dreams come true, we will work hard to help you smile when you are happy and cry when you are having hard times.” They actually cried at the concert too.. It was so sad seeing how much they had been worrying as they were preparing for this album.. ㅠㅠ Dongwoon oppa who had been suffering from nightmares every night and you could have seen how much pressure he had built up with the lack of sleep as wellㅠㅠ Oppa ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ And at the same time, even though they were almost reaching 4 years since debut, they said that they won’t lose their rookie mindset I was so thankful and so proud the concert was a bunch of feels…!! It’s true that there were fans who left when they took a break, but I wish they don’t worry about those seasonal fans.. I wonder if you are really a fan if you can’t even wait that long and decide to change ~.~ Yoon Doojoon 1. Remarks on the palanquin carrier Doojoonie: When you are riding a palanquin, don’t think about the height of the palanquin, but the shoulders of the men carrying the palanquin first. Doojoonie: Let’s end it well thinking about the staff as well Doojoonie: Ppyong Dongja: Hopefully everyone will be on their best condition Usually BEAST members don’t share serious comment because it’s embarrassing for them But because the pressure for this comeback was so big that the remarks on the weight carrier made in their Kakao Talk chat room gained popularity “The story about the palanquin carrier had been told to me by my mother through a letter in the past. It was a very meaningful phrase so I shared it with the members and it spread unexpectedly with Yoseob. There are people talking about how it could have been staged, but it wasn’t. I wrote it in case the members were thinking nothing about putting up such a big show. Once you start thinking like that you become arrogant and I don’t want to get arrogant.” - Yoon Doojoon during Beautiful Show - Jang Hyunseung 1. Musical performance – Nonstop praise from sunbae (experienced) actors I was really worried, but a hard working tree really doesn’t die – Seo Bumseok - The free soul without any boundaries, Mozart!! Carrying his weak body until the end playing this difficult Mozart role, Ranzart!! I’m so proud!!! Fighting!!! – Shin Yongsook - No matter what Jang Hyunseung playing Mozart is really lovely and sad. The feelings were really intense today “Why don’t you love me~ Love me for who I am~” I heard our youngest Mozart’s cry from within. Our youngest really challenging himself. Believe that we all love your Mozart portrayal and stay strong. I will too – Oh Jinyoung - Bada: Thankfully I was only able to see really great hoobaes. Such as Hyunseung currently working with me right now. Boom: Ah Hyunseung-ssi. Bada: Jang Hyunseung has debuted with Mozart and he really works hard staying up nights practicing. Such great passion. Boom: I wonder with what kind of people you go on stage with. We talked about it earlier right? BEAST’s Hyunseung? Bada: Yes. I work with Hyunseung and Park Euntae for Mozart this time. Boom: Then what kind of role does Hyunseung play? Bada: Mozart’s Boom: Ah Mozart’s role. How is Hyunseung? Is he doing well? How is it? Bada: Uh I actually worried a lot about him. He has such a thin figure. Boom: It’s his first musical too. Bada: I personally worried a lot because he was so thin. I worried for him physically. One top performances are like this. You really need to be physically supported. Mozart has so many scenes and there are so many songs you have to sing passionately. Seo Beomsuk: And the pitch is high too. Bada: Yes. So I worried a lot about him, but really. A tree that works hard never dies. You think that he won’t be able to do it even after practicing all night, but he is doing it. If we ask him how he did it, he says that he practiced in the plane and the car and even stayed up all night. So past the fact whether he is good or not, I wish everyone would come to see the passion he has. Boom: To see that passion. Right? Also it’s his first stage. Everyone’s passion for their first stage is great. Bada: Yes. He really really works hard. And I discovered a new Mozart. Mozart played by Park Euntae and Junsu was all so great, but the Mozart Hyunseung portrays is (Boom – Is it different?) It’s totally unique. Maybe because Mozart was such a genius he could have been an introvert, but at the same time be explosive. I saw a new Mozart through Hyunseung. Boom: We always just thought about Hyunseung from Trouble Maker… (Bada – He is so different.) A totally different Hyunseung comes out of Mozart! Bada: Yes. It’s as if he is an artist. - From Boom’s Youngstreet Radio - Yong Junhyung 1. The meaning of the tattoos on his collar bone and two arms Right arm – Seize the day. Putting as little trust as possible in the next (day/future) Left arm – If I die tomorrow, I would never regret Collar – Born again still your son 2. He who pays his brother’s college tuition BEAST Yong Junhyung’s father said, “Yong Junhyung pays his brother’s college tuition. In addition, we are planning to move to a bigger and better house soon.” 3. Good son idol who calls his parents at least once a day to see how they are doing +) 4. There are so many people who judge Yong Junhyung based on his image, but manner runs within him. When Patty Kim (famous well known singer) saw that BEAST was standing as she was talking, she asked them to sit, but Yong Junhyung was standing on his own. He gave out drinks to custodians cleaning the waiting room. On Infinity Challenge, when the Infinity Challenge members were passing by the small hallway other people were just passing by, but Yong Junhyung by himself was bowing to them 90 degrees. Yang Yoseob (Time for my hands to hurt now haha) 1. Teaching fans about vandalism A few thoughtless fans wrote on the walls of the apartment walls that BEAST members lived in. Yang Yoseob who saw this erased the writing on his own. (The picture has been posted via manager) And then at 2PM Yang Yoseob posted on his twitter, “Keep writing” cautioning the thoughtless sasaeng fans. 2. Being mad at fans cursing Rainbow Kim Jaekyung Stupid thoughtless fans who hear some stupid rumor that Yang Yoseob was filming ‘We Got Married’ with Rainbow’s Kim Jaekyung terrorized her homepage. Yang Yoseob of course found that out, @helloimys: I still have scars that didn’t heal from what someone just blurted without thoughts. I’m sure that this isn’t just for me, but other as well. No matter what the method is, no one should inflict pain on others. Apologize. Should I do it? He got mad at the fans saying “Apologize. Should I do it?” If BEAST saw their fans like money givers as the anti fans say, He wouldn’t have cared if such things were taking place. Think about it. What kind of stupid person would get mad at the people making money for him. No matter what you say to another star, he would have just wished for them to make more money for him. So this event touched the hearts of many b2uties as well.. 3. Two stories related to comfort women In the past of Yang Yoseob’s life, there was a community he and his friend made together. Yang Yoseob’s curse words were found there. He wrote “SH#$#$^” because he was mad about someone promoting comfort woman As everyone knows he wears the comfort women bracelets. At the Dunkin Donuts fan signing, a fan gifted him the bracelet saying that it was for good deeds. Ever since then, he has been wearing it everywhere except the stage. He even promoted the bracelet on Instagram making other b2uties purchase it as well. I did as well. + I know that Yang Yoseob had purchased more of the bracelets himself~~ 4. Idol full of historical knowledge 100th photo on Instagram was the Korean flag and did a history lesson and quiz with the fans. Researched ways to draw the Korean flag easily. 5. Praises from Nam Heesuk and Heo Gyu Nam Heesuk: BEAST. Yang Yoseob.. really performs on broadcasts with manners. I learn from my hoobaes. +) 6. Love for hoobaes At the 2011 Gayo Daejeon, B1A4 were moving chairs. (Not the staff but the members themselves) It was very awkward/embarrassing for them. And Yang Yoseob is never the person to just watch. Helped B1A4 move their chairs ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ +) 7. Last year at the MelOn awards when Infinite won TOP 10 award, some anti fans were booing them, but Yang Yoseob turned around to make an X with his arms telling them to stop. Lee Kikwang 1. Yang Yoseob became well known with the comfort women bracelets, but if you watch that broadcast, Lee Kikwang was wearing a B.Connect bracelet to help children in poverty 2. The truth that even super sunbaes recognize blog.naver/rabbit_belle?Redirect=Log&logNo=50163327581 – Link As you can see from broadcasts, but many well known variety show figures show love to Lee Kikwang. Show that he is really that hard working ..ㅠㅠ Son Dongwoon 1. This oppa’s birthday and Memorial Day are on the same dates, but every year he says that Memorial Day is much more important than his birthday ㅠㅠ 2. The member showing the most improvement This is a little off topic from being thoughtful, But I really wanted to let people know.. Early in debut, this oppa’s body age was 70. His body didn’t listen to him at all and he couldn’t even sing before. In two words, no skills. But now, many fans and even the members agree that he is good enough to steal parts from main vocal Yang Yoseob keke You guys should all know that this doesn’t happen unless you put in effort. Son Dongwoon actually worked that hard. There is such a big difference. 3. Son Dongwoon was also wearing the B.Connect bracelet like Lee Kikwang. SOURCE: Nate Pann When taking out in parts or in full, please credit accordingly as B2STIZEN.wordpress or @B2STIZEN (Oli)
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 10:51:30 +0000

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