#Confession no.508 F16 Nagpur And then... I fell in Love! - - TopicsExpress


#Confession no.508 F16 Nagpur And then... I fell in Love! - Chapter7 I drove the car as I kept looking at her between intervals. She was silently peeking out of the window pane and staring at the Venus which was following us all the way long. I was silent too; something was going inside my heart. A strange feeling was emerging inside me, what was it? Was it love? Love for Simran? I had never felt this before with any girl I have been till date. This was different; I was interested in her heart and not her body. A whirlpool of emotions was erupting down my heart. I wanted to be with her, I wanted to love her, I wanted to feel her touch, and I wanted to spend my entire life with her. I had 24 hours more to spend with her and I wanted them to be memorable, anyhow. But this won’t be our end; I would not leave her alone. I would fulfill the last two wishes of her – A perfect life with a perfect family. While my mental oscillation going on, we reached to Chennai and apparently reached her place. It was my time to drop her home and I would pick her up tomorrow for the event. She got out of the car and so did I. I pulled her towards me with a mild force and hugged her tightly and kissed her gently on her forehead, this time I did it without asking. Don’t know why but I felt as if I had the right on her to do it. She smiled at me and turned towards her apartment. I stood there smiling sheepishly at past five hours; those were the best five hours of my life ever. Every moment spent with her, will be cherished always and surely, they would be the best. I sat in the car; meanwhile my cell phone rang for a call. It was Kaavya… ‘Yes Kaavya’ I said receiving the call. ‘Rehan, where have you been? We have not talked since past two days and you know how much am I missing you? Come back soon na baby’ Kaavya said on the other end of the call. Oh shit, how can I forget this girl? Since I met Simran, I forgot I have a girl friend back in Mumbai. Kaavya was a model too, we met during a show and we were dating each other since past one year. I was never serious about her. I hoped she didn’t love me either. I knew it was freaking time to face my own life and correct the mistakes, to choose love over lust, Simran over Kaavya. ‘Just busy with events Kaavya, I am sleeping. I will talk to you tomorrow’ I said and disconnected the call. I could not sleep the entire night. The next day was going to be a face off day. I was going to propose Simran, no doubt I was truly in love with her. Kaavya was to be confronted as well. I was in a dilemma for the situations I have myself created. But besides the feeling of dilemma, a feeling of love was overtaking my heart, a feeling that was so pure, a feeling that was so beautiful and a feeling that was for only one – Simran! The clock stroked 8 in the morning and I rushed to Simran’s place. I knocked the door and she opened the door in her Barbie pajamas and pale pink tee with her eyes still in her dream land. I wondered at the age of 23, she still wears a Barbie pajama. ‘What you doing here so early Rehan?’ she murmured. ‘ Couldnt wait for something that I am supposed to do’ I replied as I entered her apartment. ‘And what is that?’ she asked while brushing her teethes. ‘Simran, I don’t know how… but I fell in love with you, badly’. ‘Whaaaaat?’ she said with a weird voice while the brush was still in her mouth. She washed her mouth and said ‘Are you crazy? How did you fell in love with me?’ ‘I came to know you, your little delicate heart and your mysterious black eyes… I got trapped in their charm, and then… I fell in love’. ‘And then… you fell in love? This is so stupid. I confessed my life to you and you pitied me, the feeling you calling love, it is just pity! Stop being a kid and stop bothering me. I don’t want anyone to pity me, I am happy and stable alone. Do you get that?’ she screamed. What was she saying? I pitied her? No I did not, I loved her. ‘My reason may be stupid enough, but I love you and I really do. You are the best girl I have ever known, these 48 hours were the best of my life, you are the best thing ever happened to me. I love you Simran. May be not more than Arjun but not less than him either’ She got silent at my words, she cried. I was not there to hurt her but to make her all mine for the entire lifetime. I got closer to her and hugged her and she tried to get away from me but I kept on holding her. She was breaking down and I would not let her break, she was my love..aftall.. To be c0ntinued..stay­ tuned #sk (Y)
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 15:30:05 +0000

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