“Congressional Republicans are going to block the reappointment - TopicsExpress


“Congressional Republicans are going to block the reappointment of Doug Elmendorf as head of the Congressional Budget Office, reports David Weigel — which means theyre going to have to choose a new director for the agency. Why does that matter? Because the head of the CBO is one of the most powerful people in Washington. He, or she, controls the Number. And whoever controls the Number — and how its calculated — controls far more about the laws that get passed than most Americans realize… Obamacare, for instance, delayed its start until 2014 so its 10-year number would be less than $1 trillion. (ELMENDORF lied repeatedly about the cost of OBAMACARE). The rules the CBO chooses to abide by, the methods they choose to use, the assumptions they build into their models, the studies they use to inform their analyses — all this ends up, in ways most voters (STUPID AMERICANS) will never know, shaping the laws that govern their lives. CONGRESSIONAL REPUBLICANS KNOW THEY NEED TO REPLACE ELMENDORF WITH A CREDIBLE ECONOMIST.” ELMENDORF WAS A PUPPET FOR OBAMA ADM & DID WHATEVER OBAMA WANTED
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 12:35:18 +0000

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