“Consider your own calling, brothers. Not many of you were wise - TopicsExpress


“Consider your own calling, brothers. Not many of you were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. Rather, God chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise, and God chose the weak of the world to shame the strong, and God chose the lowly and despised of the world, those who count for nothing, to reduce to nothing those who are something, so that no human being might boast before God. It is due to him that you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, as well as righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, so that, as it is written, “Whoever boasts, should boast in the Lord.” (1Cor1:26-31, The First Reading for 8/30) Do we see ourselves as wise, powerful, and strong, or foolish, weak, and lowly? If we fall into the first category, we must acknowledge that God may need to shame us, or reduce us to nothing at times, in order to remind us where we should put our boast. If we are in the second category, we must also acknowledge that God can choose us and raise us up in his wisdom to sanctify and redeem us, and to use us as he sees fit. We are never so low that he cannot raise us up. In reality, we find ourselves in both of these categories at different times in our lives, or even in our day. Wherever we are at the moment, Paul reminds us that our boast is always in the Lord, because he is the one who raises up or casts down. It is only because of his grace that we come to be in Christ Jesus, and his grace holds us there when we cooperate with it and obey. Consider your calling today and humbly boast in the Lord who redeems us!
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 04:46:48 +0000

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