...Continuation...she grew the wrong teeth from infantry. Her - TopicsExpress


...Continuation...she grew the wrong teeth from infantry. Her descendants equally came to Ikhin for refuge and were hospitalized at Ukpe in the present Pa Ijeweremen Esesumokhais quarters. They were however driven away to their present settlement because they were cultivating ground-nut, giving birth to set of twins and having children who grew teeth from the wrong direction- All these were abominations to Ikhin in those days. Now do you know that these two Communities are now flexing muscles with Ikhin? Uroe will not allow our farmers be any longer. Our farmers have been dislodged of their farm lands by Uroe farmers. Land for building is now scars at Ikhin but surplus at Iru-oke which they do deny us of or sell at an exorbitant rate. Can you remember that a similar case like this happened in the reign of Oba Asekhagbon from Ukpe when Otuo farmers took hold of Ugbomete, Ashoba Ebakhe, Ule, Waraka farmlands? He declared war by then ordering the youths to go to any vacant land they met in these mentioned places. That was how farmers got lands for farming today. Though Otuo went to Court and challenge Ikhin but they lose out of Court. Dont you think it time to fight for our Patrimony???
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 19:50:36 +0000

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