#CooperationJackson #MXGMJackson The Human Rights City Campaign - TopicsExpress


#CooperationJackson #MXGMJackson The Human Rights City Campaign In light of the recent killings of Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin and hundreds of Black people throughout the U.S. by state actors, we plan to take a proactive approach to make Jackson a Human Rights City that respects, protects, and fulfills the human rights of all its inhabitants. This Campaign is also in honor of our late Mayor Chokwe Lumumba, who envisioned Jackson being a world leader in the promotion and protection of human rights, and who in the pursuit of justice and dignity for all Jacksonians introduced a human rights proclamation to the City during his term on the Council. What is the Human Rights City Campaign? The Human Rights Campaign is an initiative to establish a Human Rights Charter for the City of Jackson that would create greater protections and facilitate more equitable social relations for its residents. A Human Rights Commission would enforce the Human Rights Charter and its statutes. In order to create the two aforementioned institutions, we intend to secure the following from the City of Jackson: 1. A Proclamation, committing the City to build these institutions and to work with the Human Rights Institute to facilitate a process to create them. 2. An Ordinance that would enter these institutions into the force of local municipal law. The Human Rights Charter would be based on a people-centered analysis of all of the essential covenants, conventions, and treaties that comprise the human rights framework, including the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights. The Commission we envision would, first and foremost, create a “Police Control Board”, that at minimum would be an elected body that would have the right to monitor, subpoena and indict police officers for gross misconduct and constitutional and human rights abuses. The Commission would also have Committees or Councils that would address all of the aforementioned issue areas: • People of African Descent • Indigenous Peoples • Historically Discriminated Minorities • Workers Rights • Immigrants and Migrants • Women • Children • LGBTQI • People with Disabilities • Religious Protections • Cultural Rights • Environmental Justice – Rights of Mother Earth Our Basic Game Plan Our first task is to mobilize the progressive forces in Jackson to join us in supporting this campaign to create positive, pro-active institutional structures that will help us ensure that there are no Mike Browns in our city, as well as help facilitate greater equity, justice and democracy. We ask everyone to sign onto this campaign and join us in seizing the moment. Our second task is to put City Council on notice at the Special Session called by Councilwoman (now Judge) LaRita Cooper-Stokes to rename Battlefield Park after our late Mayor Chokwe Lumumba on Thursday, December 4th at 2:30 pm. Our third task is getting the Charter and Commission on the City Council agenda and securing a commitment from the Council members to support it and move on it immediately. We plan on doing this at the next special session of Council on Monday, December 8th at 4 pm. Our fourth task is getting the Proclamation approved and securing a written agreement that the City will work with the Campaign and the Human Rights Institute our campaign will create at the next general meeting of the Council on Tuesday, December 16th at 6 pm. Join Us! Please sign on to this initiative and turn out your family, friends, associates and networks for the 3 critical mobilizations listed above. Seize the Time! Respectfully, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement Cooperation Jackson ……
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 07:02:06 +0000

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