"Cover Or Confess" - Pastor Bob Coy "People who conceal their - TopicsExpress


"Cover Or Confess" - Pastor Bob Coy "People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy." Proverbs 28:13 None of us can lay claim to being perfect. All of us are going to sin and fail at some point...it’s just an inevitable reality of who we are as human beings. So there’s no real question that we’re going to sin, but the question is what we do after the fact. Two options are open to us. We can try to cover our sin or we can confess it. The choice is ours. But notice that there’s no question which course of action is better for us in the long run. The sinner who tries to cover their tracks is never going to prosper or get ahead, while the sinner who confesses and forsakes what they’ve done will experience much-needed mercy. It seems so clear and obvious, doesn’t it? Just admit your sin and you’ll be set free from its ongoing effects. Then why is it so hard for us? Why is our first instinct as sinners to do what Adam did? Why do we try to hide the wrong we’ve done? Part of the reason is that we forget what this proverb tells us. We focus on the immediate consequences of what it means to confess our sin. What will people say and think of me? What doors of opportunity will this close? How is this going to tarnish my reputation and image? These are the questions we ask ourselves when we’re at the crossroads of covering or confessing our sin. But what does God’s Word say? It says our attempts to save face will fall flat, and the path of progress, forgiveness, and mercy is the way of confession. That’s not what our feelings will tell us, but it’s the truth. And if we’re people who live by God’s truth, we’ll be those who confess rather than cover our sins.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 10:56:54 +0000

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