> Crazy name for a group? Maybe, but that’s what it’s all - TopicsExpress


> Crazy name for a group? Maybe, but that’s what it’s all about. Remembering what buildings were where and who lived there or ran the business, who married who, finding out that so-and-so is a cousin of what’s their name, and it goes on with pictures of the people and places. Here you find out that the little girl you remembered when you were a Crosby/Divide County Maroon senior is now a major CEO and looks darned sophisticated. Or that handsome Maroon quarterback you remembered when you were in grade school recently died—way too early. What this group is not, is a place to rage, rant, vent, or preach (Anyway, your completion would be too stiff from the high-paid blowhards on TV, radio, and opinion pages). No, this is a place to meet people you haven’t seen in ages, maybe become a Facebook Friend, and just spend some time with people to whom Crosby, ND, is home—even they dont live there anymore.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 23:45:12 +0000

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