Crime needs punishment...they are two different things but - TopicsExpress


Crime needs punishment...they are two different things but directly connected...Arabians have rich history and thousands of years before Islam they had all development which India does not even today..From spitting, open defecating, cheating, corruption in smallest places to highest places, teasing our womenfolk-who happen to be mothers , sisters, wives, daughters ,goddesses and much else, raping every mute, brothels, prostitution on massive scale, cheating in paces of religion, and a million other things happen to be a SPECIALTY OF INDIA -BUT IT DOES NOT HAPPEN IN ARABIA, I REPEAT IT DOES NOT HAPPEN IN ARABIA---the words you choose eto use are so filthy that such language is TABOO for use in Arabia, oral as well as written, it adequately reflects you as representing Indians....I need not say it is shameful as the whole world is closely aware of this and a thousand other traits...more can fill a million books, many thanks-Suggestion-do not hide behind nameless titles, who are you scared of...our politicians have eaten up the flesh of this country like vultures who are in short supply for eating dead animals, today, and you want all to be taken to the law courts...Jayas case has taken 18 long years and she is out celebrating, this is the filth called INDIA... have used you as a track to all such people who think like you...for this I am truly grateful....
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 05:57:44 +0000

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