CultureWatch Bill Muehlenbergs commentary on issues of the - TopicsExpress


CultureWatch Bill Muehlenbergs commentary on issues of the day… Islam, Taqiyya and TV Most people do not know about the Islamic doctrine of taqiyya, which gives permission to Muslims to deceive infidels in the cause of Islam. It justifies the use of deception, lies and subterfuge to advance the spread of Islam. Plenty of ways to discuss this exist, but for the sake of brevity, let me just cite parts of an article from the Shi’íte Encyclopedia: “I intend to demonstrate and prove that the concept of ‘al-Taqiyya’ is an integral part of Islam, and that it is NOT a Shi’ite concoction…. The word ‘al-Taqiyya’ literally means: ‘Concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies at a time of eminent danger, whether now or later in time, to save oneself from physical and/or mental injury.’ A one-word translation would be ‘Dissimulation’…. “First, the CONCEALMENT of one’s beliefs does NOT necessitate an ABANDONMENT of these beliefs. The distinction between ‘concealment’ and ‘abandonment’ MUST be noted here. … With the above in mind, it becomes evident that a better, and more accurate definition of ‘al-Taqiyya’ is ‘diplomacy.’ The true spirit of ‘al- Taqiyya’ is better embodied in the single word ‘diplomacy’ because it encompasses a comprehensive spectrum of behaviors that serve to further the vested interests of all parties involved.” Much more can be said by way of definition and elaboration here, but I instead wish to look at a very recent example of taqiyya in action. I refer to the new TV ads taken out by the Australian Muslim group Mypeace. As one media report states: “Muslim activists will launch the first TV commercial in Australia about the Prophet Mohammed in a bid to improve the religion’s battered image. The Islamic community has raised a war chest of ‘tens of thousands’ of dollars to fund a series of 30-second commercials, due to air on the main television networks from July 9. They are the brainchild of the Mypeace organisation, based at Bankstown, which is attempting to build bridges between the Muslim community and other Australians. “The prime-time ads, set to appear on Channels 7, 9, and 10, and SBS over several months, feature major figures of history including Mahatma Gandhi and George Bernard Shaw extolling the virtues of the Prophet Mohammed. Mypeace founder Diaa Mohamed yesterday said negotiations with the TV networks were being finalised for the commercials to run in breakfast, afternoon and evening timeslots.” You can see the ad and a very dhimmi-based interview about it at the last link below. The Mypeace spokesman is a classic example of the art of taqiyya, claiming no proselytising or evangelism is intended here. That is just a great case of dissimulation. As a bunch of committed Muslims, this group is of course fully into dawa, or Islamic mission. They are under obligation to spread the word about Islam and see everyone submit to Allah and come under sharia law. A true Muslim is of course a missionary Muslim, and he is obliged to make Islam the universal religion and to see all infidels submit. As to the ad itself it is a rather bizarre piece, effectively comprised of two quotes: one by Shaw and one by Ghandi, both praising Muhammad. He is said to be “the most influential man in history” with Gandhi saying he “holds undisputed sway over the hearts of millions”. George Bernard Shaw describes him as the “saviour of humanity”. Yeah right. If people really want to know what Muhammad was really like, they need to not only read the Koran, but the sira, or the accepted biographies of Muhammad. Those, along with the hadith, will give you the real picture of what sort of guy he was. While I hope that you all do study these sources carefully, a helpful and brief overview of his life and teaching is found in this booklet by Bill Warner: cspipublishing/pdfs/TheLifeOfMohammed-TheSira.pdf The simple truth is, the claims made here in these quotes actually fit only one man: Jesus Christ. He was certainly the most influential man in history, swaying billions – but for good, not evil. Plenty of former Muslims could be cited here in this regard. Let me focus on just one: Mark Gabriel. [amazonshowcase_01597b0b7e29af607e2d32aaaec30879] He used to teach at Cairo’s Al-Azhar University. Now a follower of Jesus Christ, he has penned a number of important volumes on Islam, including his 2004 volume, Jesus and Muhammad. In it he shows that the contrast between these two men could not be greater. As he writes, these individuals are certainly “the two most influential persons who ever lived”. But there the common ground ends. In their teachings, their lifestyle, and their mission, they differed radically. Very briefly stated: -Muhammad was a prophet of war while Christ is the Prince of Peace. -Muhammad demeaned women and encouraged his followers to do the same while Jesus elevated the status of women and treated them as equals. -Muhammad and his disciples killed for the faith while Christ and his disciples were killed for their faith. -Muhammad preached “Death to the infidels!” while Christ prayed “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”. -Muhammad constrained people by conquest while Christ constrained people by love. -Muhammad never claimed to be sinless while Christ asked others to find any sin in his life. -Muhammad was just a messenger while Christ is the Son of God. -Muhammad is dead and buried while Christ is risen and alive. -Islam is a religion of slavish submission to a capricious, aloof and stern Allah, while Christianity is about a personal love relationship with the Father God through Jesus Christ. The differences between these two faiths could not be greater. And how both faiths have impacted the world is also light years apart. As Gabriel rightly said: “The war today is between seventh-century Islamic culture and twenty-first-century modern culture. These cultures are incompatible. They cannot coexist because the values of one violate the values of the other.” The Mypeace Muslims want to convince us that Muhammad was the greatest and most important person that ever lived. They are quite wrong. That honour goes to only one man: Jesus Christ. So let the viewer beware: taqiyya in action will soon be hitting our television screens.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 19:02:06 +0000

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