:: Current affairs- 15 June :: 1) Toulouse (France) based Airbus - TopicsExpress


:: Current affairs- 15 June :: 1) Toulouse (France) based Airbus Industrie successfully tested its latest jetliner on 14 June 2013, that is expected to step up its battle with its arch-rival Boeing for sales of a new generation of sleek, light-weight passenger aircraft. What is the name of this new aircraft from the Airbus stable? – Airbus A350 (Airbus reportedly spent nearly $15 billion in developing this aircraft. Airbus A350 is expected to take Boeing’s Dreamliner 787 head-on, which is facing numerous problems since its launch last year) 2) The Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) on 14 June 2013 put off a decision on clearing the deal between Jet Airways and Etihad, in which Abu Dhabi-based Etihad acquired 24% stake in India’s Jet. What was the reason for this deferment? – FIPB is seeking more clarifications over the control and ownership of Jet after this deal comes into effect (The issue of effective control of the airline was also raised earlier by India’s market regulator SEBI, which had expressed concern over Etihad’s right to nominate three directors on the board and also take decision in appointment of the CEO) 3) Voting was held in Iran on 14 June 2013 to elect a new President, who will succeed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. How many candidates are there in this election? – Six (However, out of the six candidates, four are seen as the most likely to win: conservatives Ali-Akbar Velayati and Mohammad-Bagher Ghalibaf, reformist candidate Hassan Rowhani and hardliner Saeed Jalili) 4) Who on 14 June 2013 was appointed as the new Chairman of Life Insurance of India (LIC)? – S K Roy (Roy was appointed LIC’s Managing Director (MD) last month and he was also in the race for the post of chairman. He has now succeeded DK Mehrotra, whose term ended on 31 May 2013) 5) The Wholesale Price Index (WPI)-based inflation fell to 4.7 per cent in May 2013, which is the lowest in over three years. WPI-based inflation stood at 4.89% in April 2013. What is the main reason of this decline despite increase in price of food articles? – Declining prices of manufactured items 6) What is the forecasted population of the World in years 2025 and 2050, which was mentioned in a latest report on World population prepared by the United Nations and released on 13 June 2013? – It was forecasted that World population would touch 8.1 billion in 2025 and 9.6 billion in 2050 (The present World population stands at 7.2 billion. The report said that most of the population growth will occur in developing regions which are projected to increase from 5.9 billion in 2013 to 8.2 billion in 2050) 7) The Union Cabinet on 13 June 2013 cleared the Mental Health Care Bill, 2013 that makes access to mental health care a right of all persons. The bill proposes to make mental health services affordable, of good quality and made available to all citizens without discrimination. The Mental Health Care Bill decriminalizes which tendency, which is very closely related with mental health? – Suicide (Under the provisions of the Bill, government has an obligation to provide half way homes, community caring centres and other shelters for mentally ill people. This has been planned under the District Mental Health Programme in the 12th Plan) 8 ) What is the targeted literacy rate that the Union Govt. proposes to achieve by the year 2017, as announced on 12 June 2013? – 80% (The present literacy rate in the country stands at 74%. Govt. wants to make the Saakshar Bharat Programme the main instrument to increase literacy and ensure empowerment in the country) 9) What is the name of India’s first regional navigation satellite, which was slated to be launched on 12 June 2013 through the PSLV-C22 rocket, but will now be launched on 1 July 2013? – IRNSS-1A satellite (This satellite will offer motion and location information over the sub-continent just as the popular U.S. Global Positioning System, or GPS, has done across the world for several years. Its launched was rescheduled due to a faulty component in the PSLV-C22 rocket) 10) Who recently became the first female fighter pilot of Pakistan? – Ayesha Farooq (Ayesha is one of 19 women who have become pilots in the Pakistan Air Force over the last decade. There are 5 other female fighter pilots but unlike Ayesha they are yet to take the final tests to qualify for combat role in Pakistan Air Force)
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 02:01:44 +0000

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