#CuttingEdge I will like to take this opportunity to give my - TopicsExpress


#CuttingEdge I will like to take this opportunity to give my report of yesterday episode of the #CuttingEdge in my capacity as the Chairman - Founder of Soweto Drift Group and Car Spinning Activist. Firstly I will like to commend, thank and acknowledge in our presents selflessness Men who day in and day out do their best to shape #CarSpinning into a formidable sporting code that it deserves and of course forgetting not iMbhokodo, all Women that against all odds standby and support this men regardless of the stress we put them under. Furthermore I will like to acknowledge all the SPINNING STALWARTS alive and past on that arent necessary participating in the current Generation of Car Spinning. We value and appreciate your contribution in this special sport to us all. Now back to #CuttingEdge... 1) Sam Speed and Sarah... Their Father/Daughter Team is very inspirational and it really highlights many factors of life which many daughters and fathers may not have. Being there to your daughter as a father is one of the most precious thing in life and that eliminates chances of boys taking advantage of that little girl cause his father, his best friend would have taught her a lot of things about boys. I cant faulty both your interviews and your passion, commitment and vision for/in Car Spinning it is indisputable and evident and wish you all the best. 2) Stevo... Wow, the respect I have for this gentleman just exceeded the highest level I had put on after watching and listening to him speak. Stevo is passion for Car Spinning is embedded with serious emotions that you can literally see in his eyes and hear from his voice when talking about Spinning. At once Bhubezi, Ta Floyd and many other guys owned and ran Shareworld and recently that was this man place of relaxation until it was closed down by the Police due to its illegality. To you Stevo I say dont give up my friend, I know your dreams and vision for Spinning and trust me from Soweto Drift side we see your gap in this industry and when the time is right youll fill it up. 3) Ngamshi... Now thats my DOG injayam, hahaha, forever ready and honest in his speeches when ever talking about Spinning and always there to push it to receive the much needed attention it deserves. He always tells me that: Pule mfana we getting old and not younger anymore, so lets build this sport so that our kids can make a living out of it because we couldnt. I respect and value our friendship njayam... We shall soldier on till the last breath. 4) Wally Pappas... MSA, MSA, MSA, MSA, MSA,,, still need to take this organization to serious task because I still believe that they havent came to the party yet, however we acknowledge the least that they have done so far, but we expect MORE from them before we actually start to seek advise on how to form our own National Spinning Association because nothing is stopping us from doing that. It is not easy that we know for sure, but it can be done. More SUPPORT is needed from MSA as a motorsport governing body in SA cause Mr Pappas cant do much under his personal capacity. 5) Edna Mamonyane... No comment for now as Ive decided to write an official Open Letter responding to her interview about Car Spinning. Please be patient as youll get it today. 6) Spectators/Spin Lovers that we interviewed... Daaamn you guys killed me and your humor jelled very well with the exact mood at Spinning Events, but I must single out the gentleman who said Spinning makes him to forget about his wife. Kwaaaaaa, my friend I hope you remedied the situation at home my friend because Spinning will not give you the Nature Apple my friend. Hahahaha, but nice one. 7) Pule Earm... I shall continue promoting Car Spinning the best way I believe it should be. #Safety, #Safety, #Safety, #Safety and #SafetyAlways... Lets CHANGE my friends, we know the difficulties we faced with, but let us not loose focus on the ultimate GOAL for what we want #CarSpinning to be. 8) Voice-over/Narrator... Im satisfied with the voice over artist that was narrating this story and I have not much to comment about her. NB: I know many people were watching and many have their own different opinions and views. Thats what a Democracy allows A Freedom of Expression/Speech without making others feel inferior or act as if your POV is the only that should be taken as a FACT. Im happy #CuttingEdge interviewed JMPD cause this gave us an ammunition and better position to understand how some police officials thinks when they see us and that should keep us going... Rating of the show... 10/8... Why? Because no one is perfect and theres always a room for improvement. By the way... Contact has already been made by the Government to the SABC Board to give them more information about Car Spinning as show on Cutting Edge yesterday cause they want to get involved and I was called for a TV interview as well... More info will follow. #KasiMotorsport is alive...ILM!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 06:30:05 +0000

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