~ DAILY DEVOTION ~ Throwing In the Towel Acts - TopicsExpress


~ DAILY DEVOTION ~ Throwing In the Towel Acts 21:10-16 Reference: Then Paul answered, “Why are you weeping and breaking my heart? I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.” (Acts 21:13 NIV) Explore: I recently interviewed one of the trainers from the Australian Biggest Loser. It was near the end of the season and the contestants were about to head home. When we asked what the contestants could expect when they got home we were met with some disturbing news. The trainer said it was difficult maintaining a healthy lifestyle once you return to the real world because friends and family are usually the ones who sabotage the contestants the most. While the contestant has made huge progress towards a healthy lifestyle, those back home have not and so its easy to slip into that negative cycle again. I’m sure, for the most part, their friends and family are not maliciously contributing to their downfall, its just that they haven’t learned any better. Application: It seems that those closest to Paul were struggling with the progress that he was making. They weren’t jealous of the attention he was getting, but concerned that it would lead to trouble. However, Paul was so focused on his task that he was not to be distracted or waylaid. While it is important to listen to the wisdom of others, its more essential for us to stick to our calling. This goes beyond our job or our hobbies. The reason Paul was so passionate was because his faith was his life. He lived and breathed it and if he couldn’t communicate Christ then he may as well be dead! That is truly living. When you’re so dedicated to the cause that you are willing to literally put yours life on the vline for it. People will try to dissuade you but my prayer is that you stay strong, as God can use us mightily when we rely on Him. Prayer: Lord, may I receive the gift of determination and perseverance to serve You using the gifts and passion you have placed in our hearts. Amen. What is your passionate cause? (By: Linda Bailey)
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 10:34:47 +0000

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