#DONT_IGNORE this, it will change you forever LITTLE THINGS - TopicsExpress


#DONT_IGNORE this, it will change you forever LITTLE THINGS THAT MATTER 1. Focus on being productive not being busy. Sometimes its easy to be busy but its not easy to be productive. The good thing is no matter how slow your progress is you are much better than somebody who is not trying. 2. Maintain a positive altitude in every situation because you need to be successful in your mind in order to be successful in life. Challenges are not there to bring you down they are there to raise you up and how you think about a problem is more important than the problem itself, always think positive. 3. Set goals,develop life plans and make a things to do list every morning. Plan how you are going to spend your day, your week, your money etc. Because failing to plan is simply planning to fail. 4. Nothing is impossible in life even the word itself says im possible.Dont wait for an opportunity to come but create it out of something you have. Good things comes to those who wait but great things happen to those who do something while they are waiting. 5. Stop complaining about life not being fair. While you are busy complaining, somebody out there is working hard,somebody is winning, somebody is improving, somebody is shaping their future. Dont waste your energy complaining but invest your energy into something that will change your life. 6. Spend some time with people who motivate and inspire you,people who value your presence,people who look at you as a blessing to them,people who love to see you smile and people who are on the same mission as you. Its easier to live life this way because birds of the same feather flock together. 7. All things in the Universe originated from an idea,take some of your thoughts and ideas seriously and begin to act on them. If you are planning to do something to better your life,now and today is the best time to do it. A good idea implemented today is better than a perfect idea implemented tomorrow. 8. Work hard and focus on making small continuous improvements. Nothing great comes on a silver plate. Dont give up,there is no honor or dignity in giving up. Dont look back,the only reason why you should look back is to see how far you have come. 9. Dont compare yourself with others because their destiny is different from yours. Life is the most difficult exam people fail because they try to copy others not knowing that everyone has a different question paper. 10. Stop existing and start living. What i mean is; find the reason why you were born. The day someone knows why they were born is the day that person starts living. ~It is well with you because you are blessed by the most high and I just came to tell you Jesus Loves you have a beautiful day.. Inbox me or add me to your Bbm 2134C13E if you need prayer or counseling... WE ARE #Jesus_Generationz and this is still the #Righteous_Invasion
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 05:14:25 +0000

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