-DUARD, iTs realLy hard for me to accepT tHis chalLenge, buT i - TopicsExpress


-DUARD, iTs realLy hard for me to accepT tHis chalLenge, buT i donT have a choice jusT to accepT tHis. HEHE ︶︿︶ (HERE ARE THE 20 FACTS ABOUT ME:) 1. I am tHe eLdest son among six sibLings. (tall, sLim, & nevermind) Have onLy one sisTer, buT I have these two SISTERAKAS! hahaツツツ 2. Im an ambiTious person buT Im sTriving harder jusT to fuLfilL my needs & wanTs & for my saTisfacTion aLso. 3. I love pLaying volLeybalL buT am noT tHat very good as Fernando Dingcong Jr. 4. I love eaTing especialLy BALOOOOT. 5. I ldonT taLk to shalLow persons. 6. I love fasHion designing and making somes dresses. 7. Am aLso fond of SURUY-SUROY wiTh friEnds of mine and go LIGU-LIGO in SAPA. (kanang di pud LUNANGAN, of course) 8. I donT care to peopLe who realLy haTe me for who I am. (theyre noT that imporTant peopLe in my life) 9. Am noT an insecure one buT a biT curious to tHings happen in my surroundings and most of alL, I donT accepT tHat am an INSENSITIVE. 10. I donT know how to handLe money buT I love spending iT. 11. Am noT fond of reading books, magazines, and eTc. And of course, I realLy haTe waTching movies, buT as an EngLish major I shouLd have to work for iT jusT to pass tHe subjects. 12. I aim to be one of tHe calL cenTer agenTs afTer I graduaTed in colLege. 13. I preFer to become a giFt of ceLebacy or maybe a confirmed bacheLor. (para focus ang aTTenTion sa famiLy ug diLi sa UWAG-UWAG) Em so sorry for tHe term! I LOVE BEING SINGLE. BEERGIN kaau シ 14. I realLy love ENGLISH even am noT tHat good as Maam Weng Alexis and many otHer professionaL teacHers. For me, ENGLISH is noT onLy a choice. Its a prioriTy as a person who aims to become a language advocaTe someday. I wanT to be very good noT onLy in speaking, buT aLso in tHe four macroskilLs in EngLish. 15. I like Maam Weng Sosas tHe way she teacHes us because as a learner in her minor/major subjecT/s, I was moTivaTed to lisTen and encaLcaTe in mind tHose imporTant tHings in liFe & even tHe unusuaL terms she uses in teacHing. 16. I love being REAL. A pranksTer & a vocaL one. 17. Now, am aLready 19 y/o & Ive been in a reLaTionsHip wHen I was in highschooL & in 3rd year colLege. (Now, I enjoy being singLe kai nagspLit na eyy.) 18. Am proud to say DAKO JUD KOG KAON pero uaLai bakas nga makiTa sa lawas. DiLi ko PARTY GOER excepT lang sa ako mga CLOSE FRIENDS kai waLa jud koi doubT nga muadTo. HEHE :) 19. I realLy love my FAMILY, FRIENDS, & alL my besT of friEnds. I treasure alL of tHem. 20. I LOVE & TRUST GOD aT alL Times. :) -the CROWN is turning over to
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 14:42:09 +0000

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