[Daily TEPS 9월 1주차 목요일 Reading] 1. Choose the - TopicsExpress


[Daily TEPS 9월 1주차 목요일 Reading] 1. Choose the option that best answers the question. The Internet has become a major part of our culture, but does this make the online experience feel "real" for most people, or do they still consider it mere simulated reality? Consider this. When the radio first appeared early in the last century, it was considered a bizarre, new medium?a talking box very much separate from the human being. But with time people got used to it, and now it is not alien, foreign, or strange at all. The same process happened with the television, and for our generation, it is happening with the Internet. Q: Which statement about the Internet would the writer most likely agree with? (a) It has replaced reality for the bulk of people in our culture. (b) It has left people with a feeling of being controlled by technology. (c) People need more time to digest it the way they did with radio. (d) People question the accuracy of the information it provides. 2. Choose the option that best answers the question. As Barker Avenue has grown in popularity with diners, the restaurants there have gradually created more stylish interiors and revamped their menus for luxurious dining experiences. While the atmosphere at these places is undoubtedly more chic, the smaller portions and less imaginative menu choices make the interior of little consequence. I remember the good old days when each little place on the avenue, loved by its regulars, had its own hearty, home-cooked dishes. But those days are gone, and Barker Avenue has been overrun by those more concerned with style over substance. Q: Which statement about Barker Avenue would the writer most likely agree with? (a) Its restaurants were better before they became popular. (b) It is attracting a less affluent set of customers than before. (c) Its eateries have brought back the art of the home-cooked meal. (d) It is a place to go to enjoy fantastic food and stylish interior design. [정답 및 해설] teps.or.kr/Teps/Public/WeeklyAnswer.aspx?DateExam=249 정답: 1. (c), 2. (a)
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 09:00:25 +0000

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