(Daniel ) A different look at the question of unity Over the - TopicsExpress


(Daniel ) A different look at the question of unity Over the past few weeks we’ve experienced a renewed cry for unity – “we cannot achieve anything if we do not stand united!” We have now discussed this issue extensively altogether and determined that “unity” never was, never will be. It is a historical fact. We need to work around it, we cannot sit about and wait for this magical thing of “unity” to happen and all will be well. Maybe it is time to take a new look at “unity” and what we should unite around. It might be valuable likewise, to look at a new approach to showing unity. In the old days unity was determined by looking at the numbers of people showing up for political and cultural gatherings, listening to speeches and loudly cheering. That was the display of unity that we saw in Hitler’s Nüremberg rallies for example. This type of unification was replaced with the arrival of social media and the value of the social media in turn, was clearly shown in the “Arabian Spring” uprising when first Egypt, and then other Middle Eastern nations rose up against incompetent and oppressive regimes – the message went out through the social media. So, in order to create such a unity, we need to determine what we agree upon and set aside the minor differences for the moment. In my opinion, we have basically three objectives: 1) To show the world what the true situation in South Africa is as applies to incompetent, corrupt and oppressive government and create awareness thereof as far as possible 2) To create awareness of the genocide of the white minority in South Africa and mobilise the bigger community to stand up and help to put an end to this – in other words, we need to DO something, not only TALK 3) To create self determination where the ethnic part of the South African population with a common Western outlook and with a common culture and heritage can govern themselves in freedom and in peace with neighbouring nations. This is the crux of it. If we enter keywords such as “genocide”, “Boer”, “Afrikaner” or “new SA” into the search function on Facebook, the mind boggles for the numbers of forums and pages and groups suddenly popping up. It is indeed heartwarming to see this, but when you look at them through a magnifying glass, you realise that these groups can also be divided into three categories: 1) On the one hand you have a few groups which can be placed on the extreme right. These groups focus on the problem, not the solution. They keep on endlessly posting one example after the other of what is happening and never propose a possible solution. They often centre around the ideas of one or two individuals and within a few moments after a posting is done, a huge fight starts with the same repeating of racially based opinions, slapping each other silly and drifting miles off the topic in a childish display of “You started it and either you leave or I leave!”. These groups centre around emotional indignation and is often utterly exclusive. First exclusion is one of different opinion. They exclude the opinion of anybody who does not agree 100% and start cursing at everyone who dares to voice a slightly different opinion. Then comes a geographical exclusion where no interest is taken in the situation of any other nation or country apart from what they perceive as their own. The third exclusion is that of culture – even within their own ethnic group, they exclude a number of people for not being “Afrikaner” or not being “Boer.” It is this particular group who is infested with agents sowing the seeds of discord and mistrust. Often, eventually, the members of these groups will find that their concept of “nation” does not go far beyond the followers of an individual or group of individuals and by definition not far beyond the few gathered around the barbeque. There is no sense in involving these groups, alas. 2) On the other hand you have the groups on the left of the spectrum. They are fairly strong, but does not share the ideals of self-determination. They issue manifesto’s, engage in negotiations, write articles – all very politically correct and carefully worded. But eventually they believe in a magical solution where the ANC will realise that they are on the wrong course, make a right-turn and suddenly the Afrikaner/Boer nation will be living as a happy, valued and protected segment of the multi-racial, multi-ethnic Rainbow nation. These groups are selling a pipe-dream at an above market-related price to the people. But it will never go any further and therefore there is no sense in engaging them either. They have no long term solution, apart from appeasement. In looking at the forums and groups then remaining in the centre of the spectrum, I realised that the collective membership of all these groups add up to 455519! There are about 19 groups, some public forums and some closed groups, sharing the common goals stated above in one way or the other and who can co-operate towards forming pressure groups via the social media. Now obviously many people belong to more than one of these groups, but imagine only half of this total could join all 19 groups – it means that every one of these groups or forums can claim a mandate of at least 200 000 people for their actions and plans! THAT is a unity unparalleled in our history. And it is as easy as clicking on every link below, asking to join or liking the group. And of course then taking part in the discussions and sharing the posts. Start clicking then! In alphabetical order: Americans against white genocide in South Africa https://facebook/#!/groups/AmericansAgainstWhiteGenocide/?fref=ts Americans farmers support South African boer farmers https://facebook/#!/groups/581742241850653/?fref=ts Boere Krisis Aksie https://facebook/#!/boerekrisisaksie?fref=ts Boere Afrikaner Volksraad https://facebook/#!/groups/volksraad/?fref=ts Canadian and American citizens against the white South African genocide https://facebook/#!/groups/206529996059243/files/ EKP South Africa – exposing the genocide https://facebook/#!/EKPSouthAfrica?fref=ts Front Nasionaal Suid-Afrika https://facebook/#!/pages/Front-Nasionaal-Suid-Afrika/248174628693735?fref=ts Genocide of the white minority in South Africa https://facebook/#!/groups/WhiteGenocideSA/?fref=ts Ik ben boerevriend! I am farmer’s friend! https://facebook/#!/groups/464558706900014/?fref=ts Letters from white South Africa https://facebook/#!/LettersFromWhiteSouthAfrica?fref=ts Saffa nations without a state for a bondstaat https://facebook/#!/groups/volkstaat/?fref=ts Save the white people of South Africa and stop the killing https://facebook/SaveTheWhitePeopleOfSouthAfricaStopTheKilling?ref=ts&fref=ts South African genocide https://facebook/#!/groups/567826793304306/?fref=ts South Africa Today https://facebook/#!/southafricatoday?fref=ts Steve Hofmeyr Musician https://facebook/#!/Steve.Hofmeyr?fref=ts Stop White South African genocide https://facebook/#!/pages/Stop-White-South-African-Genocide/400001006764136?fref=ts The truth about South Africa https://facebook/#!/groups/thetruthaboutsouthafrica/?fref=ts The truth about the New South Africa https://facebook/#!/groups/229421760485414/?fref=ts Western Civilisation for SA https://facebook/#!/groups/SA.minority.rights.EKP/?fref=ts
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 07:00:00 +0000

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