(Day 24) Daily Reminder from the Imam – Mufti - TopicsExpress


(Day 24) Daily Reminder from the Imam – Mufti Abidurrahman Suratul Qadr, 4th verse تنزل الملائكة والروح فيها Therein come down the Angels and the Spirit by Allah’s permission on every errand. A fine explanation of this verse has been given by Imaam Raazi R.A. He explains that when man first appeared on earth, created by Allah as His vicegerent on earth, the angels looked on him with scorn. When Allah informed them of His intention of placing man on earth, they even ventured to ask: “Will you place in this earth one who shall commit evil therein and shed blood?” Similarly, when his parents noted his original form as a mere drop of mani (sperm), they too looked upon it with scorn and resentment, so much so, that they considered it as something which polluted clothing and had to be washed away. But later when Allah made that same despicable sperm into a fine form of man, they began to love and cherish him. So far have things now progressed that when on this Night of Power we see that same man worshipping Allah and adoring Him, those very same angels who had previously looked down on him with scorn, descend towards him, obviously repentant for the thoughts they had once harbored against him. This is the great status Allah has elevated the Muslim to. May Allah enable us to live up to this status. Ameen
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 09:42:39 +0000

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