*Dear Love-II* Dear love, You don’t know how excited I was - TopicsExpress


*Dear Love-II* Dear love, You don’t know how excited I was when I saw your call. 10:13 pm. I still remember the exact time! Same day. My phone buzzed. I saw your name on the screen. But I was scared. What would I do? What would I say to you? What would we talk? I was so nervous that I couldn’t even receive the call. Before I swiped the screen to receive it, the call ended. I don’t know I was happy or sad. Happy, cause you called me and sad, cause I did that moronic thing, which I’m famous for, once again. I instantly messaged my ‘love guru’- my cousin. He is a few years elder to me and is an extremely intelligent guy. He has a solution to everything. And he’s friendly with me so I talk to him everything. Of all the other things, the one thing he said was, “Call her moron!!! Call her. Or text or do something”. Talking to him did not reduce my anxiety in any way. Rather it increased it manifold. But one thing that I was certain was that I must call you. I knew I had to call you. After all the stupid things I did, there had to be one right thing that I did. So I just looked into my call logs, took out your number and tapped on call. Tringg tringgg….I could hear the phone ring. But I could hear my heart beat more clearly- faster and louder. Three times it rang before you picked up. ‘Hi..!’, you said. There was silence for some moments. I just choked. I was searching for my voice. And all I could say was- ‘Hi…!’ ‘How are you?’, you asked. ‘I’m fine. And you?’, I said. We had talked so many times before. But it seemed as if it was our first time. ‘I’m fine too. And how was your exam?’ , you replied back. ‘Hope it goes well. Else my dad will kick me out of the house.’ I tried to lighten up the mood. And it worked. I heard you laughing. ‘And yours will be great, as always.’ I added. ‘I don’t know. Let’s wait for the results..’, you said in you cute worried way. ‘I missed you’. Suddenly our conversation took a more serious course that I knew was coming. ‘I missed you too’. I didn’t know when a drop of tear rolled down my left cheek as I replied back. (Read the complete story at liljedi.wordpress/2014/12/02/dear-love-ii/)
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 11:31:40 +0000

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