Dear Sir Or Madam, You sincerely should know that since 1999s - TopicsExpress


Dear Sir Or Madam, You sincerely should know that since 1999s up to right today, the whole New Morocco Sytems AuthoritiesTeam are actually changed to behave in the main lively live common peaceful rules and bases to reflect onto Democracy Educations. But, unfortunately there are some worst wildest well-tortured and well-harassed too innocent victims and patients whom they have oppressively been suffering out various reactions and moods of tortures, violations, agressivities............ect, especially at the main Local Psychiatrique Services Sidi Hussein Ben Asseur Hospital in OUARZAZATE CITY in the main SOUTHREN SITE OF MOROCCO COUNTRY, where the whole Moroccan National Locally Expert Beast Cruel Criminal Team Of Nurses; Medecines and DoctorsTeam, whom they have yearly been working out to commit thousands of thousands of the worst terrible illegal and inhuman crimes to dope up against the main too innocent quite child and too young victims et patients whom they have agressively killed and earthen in the main absolutely expert beast cruel well-criminalized and well-violated matters and moods of various intoxically poison drug-medicationspills and injectionsdozes up to grave them among the whole Local Awkwardly Secret Grave-YardsSpaces and Arears among Ouarzazate City RegionsLocations since 1970s up to right today, 2013s. In any cases, the most of those whole expert beast cruel criminal team of nurses, medecines and doctors had already retired as they have never been committed no a such glimmer of crimes or abuses to be since the first access to the new 2000s up to right now. In contracts, the major of them are still working out to commit many of many worst terrible illegal and inhuman well-violated and well-violent oppressions, agressivities and tortures against many of many too innocent deep-rooted Ouarzazi Patients and Victims as here; at the whole MedicationsServices Sidi Hussein Ben Asseur Hospital Areas in Ouarzazate City in the main Southren Site Of Morocco Country as the Live Deadly Entreprise Of Dead to produce various horrible and incredible disastrous live deadly dead lost away and well-annoyed well-marginalized and well-neglected too innocent lively dead living men victims and patients whom the whole of them have already been earthen down among the whole local absolute secret grave-yardsspaces and regionsOuarzazate City and then, the major of them are still struggling out to keep strength and hope waiting in the worst uncommon illegal and inhuman loss and marginalizationsmoodsMaze for the absolute absurd well-darkened endsloss since 1970s up to right nowadays. And also, You really should know that I Mr Fouad ZENNARI, was savagely well-tortured and well-harassed into various inotoxically poison drug-medicationsneedlesdozes up to be daily reinforced to treat into more than 7 000 mgs of various intoxically poison drug-medicationsinjections + more than 40 To 50 Various intoxically poison drug-medicationspills that they have powerfully been reinforced to treat against me since I only was 16 years old up to right I in time was at last 26 years old. Of course, they have terribly been aimed to practice against me more than 10 Successive Times of various worst wildest well-criminalized and well-violated death-penaltiesneedlescrimes, precisely since 1994s up to right 1999s. As a result, I am physically well-destroyed and mentally I am right now suffering out the worst live deadly dead increduble brainwashing pains, none and nobody have never been tried to hand me out no a such glimmer of humanitarian and legal helps to be in time found out away of the worst terrible painfully unbearable chronic physique and mental handicapped illnesses that I am illegally lost away into be actually well-annoyed to be uncommonly well-neglected and well-marginalized into the worst disatrous incredible lossMaze that none and nobody care. And also, there many of many Moroccan Deep-rooted actually well-annoyed and well-marginalized victims and patientsOuarzazi Young Men whom they are terribly annoyed into the worst live wakwardly lossmoodsMaze to behave as the main absoutely well-neglected lost away live dead living men among the whole local Ouarzazate StreetsCity, where its every mornings up to the main nightly time to walk and get back into the worst dirtiest behaviours onsights to be illegally and inhumanly preocupied by the whole Moroccan local expert beast cruel well-corrupted Human Rights Associations and OrganisationsTeam Leaders; whom they have illegally corrupted to use the whole International Humanitarian helpstools and thousands of thousands of the biggest AmendmentsSumsMoney, they have awkwardly been using to satisfy them own inner whole familiesmembers to build up the most hight expensive and too richard appartenmnts, villas, and cars as well as they have every years been travelling abroad to spend the most high quite travellings among the whole European and Asian Continents to lose thousands of thousands of Billions Dollars Biggest International AmendmentsSumsMoney to make the main International Black Trade Entrepries and they have evey years been spending out the most high ammazing nights drinking various whisky and wine bootles in the main International Homologue Hotels at many European and Asian CountriesContinents since 1991s up to right nowadays; 2013s. Please, try to do all of Your International Best Legal and Human Efforts and Services TO INVESTIGATE AND INTERVENEE TO THE MAIN LOCAL SECRET EXPERT BEAST CRUEL CRIMINAL AND ABSLUTELY WELL-CORRUPTED AND WELL-BETRAYED AUTHORITIESTEAM AND THE WHOLE MOROCCAN EXPERT BEAST CRYUEL CRIMINAL TEAM OF THE WHOLE MOROCCAN NURSES, MEDECINES AND DOCTORSTEAM IN SIDI HUSSEIN BEN ASSEUR HOSPITAL IN OUARZAZATE CITY in the main SOUTHREN SITE OF MOROCCO COUNTRY; where the major of them are still working out to commit thousands of thousands of the worst wildest various illegal and inhuman crimes against many of many too innocent well-victimized well-marginlized team of too young patients that the major of them; they have agressively been killed to be actually graved down among the whole local secret expert grave-yardsspaces and areas among the whole Ouarzazate AreasRegions since 1970s up to right today. And also, try to be personally to seek out to look in on thousands of thousands of the worst terrible authoritatively committed crimes and illegal well-corrupted crimes that the whole Morocan Local AuthoritiesTeam within the whole Moroccan National Local Expert Beast Cruel Criminal Team Of Nurses, Medecines and Doctors Sidi Hussein Ben Asseur Hospital in OUARZAZATE CITY in the main SOUTHREN SITE OF MOROCCO COUNTRY; they have yearly been committed against the main local deep-rooted well-tortured and well-violated Ouarzazi Victims and Patients since 1970s up to right now, 2013s. Many humble thanks to all of You in advance before the holy International educations of peace and respect before the whole Mankind ValuesHuman Rights to protect them as well. We all deep-rooted Ouarzazi FamiliesMembersVictims and Patients wait impatiently to hearing from All Of You in urgent legal and human ways as possible as You really can. Best Regards. Always, Yours Sincerely, Mr Fouad ZENNARI.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 21:09:45 +0000

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