“Dear Tom, I’m new to the industry and love your concept of - TopicsExpress


“Dear Tom, I’m new to the industry and love your concept of “Attraction Business”. However I don’t yet have the contacts to get the ball-rolling. I’m currently door knocking, cold calling and letter box dropping with very little results. Is there a way to fast-track this? Thank you” My response: Gaining momentum in this industry or an area is one of the hardest things. The good news is you only have to do it once. Rather than cold-door knocking use the 6/6/12 method: door-knock the 6 houses on either side and the 12 across a house that was recently sold and start a conversation Ask any of your colleagues if they want to take the weekend off and offer to run their open-homes Target for sale buy owners – you have nothing to loose Offer free market appraisals Get really good at securing VPA – it’s the fastest way to get recognised Understand that there are only a handful of objections and get really good at responding to them Focus on all the reasons why you are the best agent for the job Everything is negotiable as long as there is trust in the relationship Remember that all million dollar agents one started in the same position as you. Work harder, get in earlier, stay back later. Focus on the process and the proceeds will come. Work harder on yourself than you do on the job. You are the job.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 08:09:02 +0000

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