#DearVA Today the local #VA is holding an event in honor of - TopicsExpress


#DearVA Today the local #VA is holding an event in honor of National Caregiver Month. I would soooo love to be there, but Im not. I couldnt go because it fell on the same day at the same time as my four year olds weekly gymnastics class at a local cafe who has kids activities. Unlike families without a disabled veteran there was no other option. My husband couldnt take her while I went to the event because he cant drive. I also couldnt drop them both off and go to the VA. For one, he did not sleep well, yet again. He is too exhausted to even walk up the stairs without the fear of falling. Hes at home hoping to catch a nap which probably wont happen. This has been going on for months now (with his sleep issues going on for 9 YEARS and they are STILL UNDIAGNOSED! But that is an issue for another letter). Even if my husband could come with us today, I couldnt leave him here alone. There is a mom group who come to the cafe and they bring upwards of 20 women, not including their kids. It becomes you crowded and his anxiety and anger will shoot through the roof. He cant drive so he has no way to leave if that happens, no escape. So again thats by an option. By now you might be thinking, why doesnt her kid miss a class just this once? Well Ill tell you why. Because of my husbands problems which include but are not limited to herniated discs, low back and sciatic nerve pain, migraines, sleep problems & daytime sleepiness, anxiety, and depression we dont get out much. This means our daughter has limited interaction with the outside world let alone kids her own age. Gymnastics and other outing to this cafe is the only time she gets to play with kids her own age and I refuse to take that away from her. She so desperately wants others to play with and today she gets that chance. She gets the chance to make friends, socialize, and use up all that energy a 4 year old has. I really wanted to meet some other caregivers in then area. I wanted to make in person friends. But I didnt want to do that at the expense of my daughter. You see, not only are the caregivers of veterans affected by their injuries and illnesses, but so are their families; their children. So far the plans for the #NewVA leave us out. They leave out the caregivers. They leave out the families. They leave out the children. These injuries and illnesses out veterans experience do not occur in a vacuum. Those who love, live with, and care for a veteran are affected as well. Even the kids care for their veterans. My daughter will pick up my husbands cane when he drops it, snuggle him when he feels tired, and kisses his owies on bad pain days. It might not seem like much but she shows him that despite his disabilities he is loved and that does wonders for his mood and makes the pain he feels daily a little more bearable. So please #NewVA, dont forget our little caregivers, our little families in your new plan.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 21:20:49 +0000

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