[Debug] 1.The purpose of the new policy is to increase the - TopicsExpress


[Debug] 1.The purpose of the new policy is to increase the economic. 新政策的目的提振經濟。 2.It showed the trend of bonds. 它說明了債券的趨勢。 3.Mary felt painful when she lost a lot of money on the stock market. Mary在股市裡賠了很多錢讓她覺得很痛苦 4.She has a lot of works to be finished by today. 她有許多今天必須完成的工作。 5.Your mom is a good cooker. 你媽媽是一個好廚師。 Debug Answer 1. The purpose of the new policy is to boost the economy. 新政策的目的是提振經濟。Boost 才有提振、振興的意思。 例:There’s been a tremendous boost in food prices. 食品價格已大大提昇。Increase 增加,經濟無法增加。Economic 是形容詞,Economy 才是經濟。 2. It illustrated the trend of bonds. Illustrate用圖或實例說明。Please give a few examples to illustrate your point. 請舉幾個例子來說明你的觀點 。 3. Mary was in pain when she lost a lot of money on the stock market. 形容人感到痛苦中會用in pain. Painful是令人感到痛苦的。形容人身體的某一部分感覺痛苦。例:My arm feels painful. 4. She has a lot of work to be finished by today. Work當工作解釋是不可數名詞。但若是指藝術家或是音樂家的作品,則可數。例:Buying the works of an unknown artist would be a good investment. 5.Your mom is a good cooker. 大部分動詞字尾加er是指人或是師。例:teach> teacher , swim > swimmer , 但cook為少數例外,可直接當名詞為廚師,cooker指的是鍋子。 找不出bug?難怪常常說錯的英文,考慮加入1on1 program! 世界公民文化中心 core-corner
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:00:01 +0000

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