‹ Democracy ›...check the other words in this wonderful - TopicsExpress


‹ Democracy ›...check the other words in this wonderful book...must have As Oscar Wilde put it, “The bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people.” A system that promises everyone the opportunity to rule everyone else, yet renders no one free. Our forebears overthrew kings and dictators, but they didn’t abolish the institutions by which kings and dictators ruled: they democratized them. Yet whoever operates these institutions—be it a king, a president, or an electorate—the experience on the receiving end is roughly the same. Laws, bureaucracy, and police came before democracy; in democracy as in dictatorship, they function to interrupt self-determination. The only difference is that, because we can cast ballots about how they should be applied, we’re supposed to regard them as ours even when they’re used against us. "Three wolves and six goats are discussing what to have for dinner. One courageous goat makes an impassioned case: “We should put it to a vote!” The other goats fear for his life, but surprisingly, the wolves acquiesce. But when everyone is preparing to vote, the wolves take three of the goats aside. “Vote with us to make the other three goats dinner,” they threaten. “Otherwise, vote or no vote, we’ll eat you.” The other three goats are shocked by the outcome of the election: a majority, including their comrades, has voted for them to be killed and eaten. They protest in outrage and terror, but the goat who first suggested the vote rebukes them: “Just be thankful this is a democracy! At least we got to have a say!” crimethinc/books/contra/defs/democracy.html
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 03:35:54 +0000

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