“Dengue Phobia” “Sir please dakhal - TopicsExpress


“Dengue Phobia” “Sir please dakhal hi kar dijiye” That was a request from a very wealthy father. Rithik a 22 years young boy was down with fever, a friendly family physician requested me to attend him. Rithik had fever for last two days on investigation he had a positive dengue test (NS1). Soon the report came, the whole family was under tremendous tension, everybody in family particularly parents could not sleep overnight. A big crowd of family members were waiting for me outside Mahavir Super specialty hospital emergency room. Rhithik had fever but did not have any WARNING signs hence he did not warrant hospitalization. When I told that Rithik could be treated at home father an owner of a famous saree brand in city was panicky and uttered “Aap dakhal hi kar dijiye”. Dengue has become rampant all over; every year globally billions of people get dengue infection. There was lot of confusion regarding these patients; to sort it out WHO (World health organization) has come out with very standard guidelines for diagnosis, home management and need for hospitalization. WHO has given a concept of: WARNING” signs, a dengue patient need hospitalization only if he has any of these warning signs. Signs are simple and any one can understand them, they are as follows: *Persistent vomiting *Severe abdominal pain *Giddiness *Inability to walk unsupported *Passing less, & highly concentrated urine *Bleeding from nose, gums or any other place. Patients not having above mentioned signs can be treated at home as any with any other fever even if fever is high. “I COULD COVINCE THE PANICKY FATHER. WITH DAILY MONOTORING RITHIK GOT CURED WITH OUT HOAPITALIZATION. FRIENDS THERE ARE UMPTEEN NUMBER OF SUCH CASES WHICH HAVE SUCCESFULLY BEEN TREATED AT HOME” I would like to emphasize that 80% of dengue patients do not have warning signs and therefore they can easily be treated at home; a positive test does not tell us about disease severity so there is no need to panic if test is positive. Yes if warning signs are there get hospitalized; again only 20% of hospitalized patient have severe dengue requiring ICU care. Friend’s dengue is common disease; however majority are non fatal. What Dengue patients need is lots of liquids, he may be offered: ORS, milk, butter milk, fruit juices etc… For fever use only Paracetamol (On your doctor’s advice) do not insist for stronger fever medicine as they could be pretty harmful, keep patience fever is not harmful. A close contact with your doctor and monitoring for warning signs is essential. With proper care majority dengue patients could heal at home, timely hospitalization of patients with warning signs can prevent bad complications. SO FRIENDS IT IS WORTH UNDERSTANDING A DISEASE RATHER THAN GETTING UNNECCESARY PANICKY. "MORE IMPORTANTLY WITH LITTLE EFFORT ONE CAN AVOID DENGUE ILLNESS. ISSUE I WILL TAKE UP IN NEXT POST".
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 08:22:30 +0000

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